IST 378-01 Problem Solving and Risk Management
The project is designed to give you an in-depth teamwork experience with any topic in Problem Solving and Risk Management. The requirement is to prepare an at least 20-page technical paper and a 20-23 minutes PowerPoint presentation, to be given to the class. The technical paper and presentation should reflect the problem, the context, the current best practice, the architecture, and the state of art in Problem Solving and Risk Management.
Groups of four students are to be formed. Each group will jointly define its project. While each project should be an integrated group effort, i.e. there is a single deliverable; you should identify both in your project proposal and final report what part of the project each group member is responsible for.
This is a course in a business school and the project subject matter should be business oriented and presented in acceptable management format, i.e., you are presenting the final project to your boss.
To ensure the quality and progress of the group work, each group need to do at least the following:
• Group members select a group leader and clearly define the role and responsibility of all group members. Also, the group leaders will oversee the communication with the instructor. Each group leader will be awarded one bonus point applied to the final grade.
• Group members choose a topic for the project and create a milestone/schedule.
• Submit the one-page project proposal in print.
• Create a form to record all the meetings held (e.g., time, date, and place of meeting, member presented, agenda discussed, etc.). These forms will be included as the appendix of the final report.
• Group peer evaluation will be conducted at the end of the course. The results from peer evaluation will be used to assess the contributions of each member. The grade of a group member would be adjusted lower if all the other group members give the group member a
very poor evaluation.
• A one-page project proposal in Word format outlining the project needs to be submitted to the instructor no later than April 17 (Tuesday), 2018. The proposal
should at least cover
the following information: group organization indicating who the group leader is, a brief introduction of the specific topic on which you are going to work, and tentative milestone/schedule of the project.
Project Presentation
• In the last three sessions of the quarter, each group will deliver a 20-23 minutes presentation on the project, using PowerPoint and/or other presentation tools. Group participation is required.
Final Report
• The final written report should be submitted to the instructor on June 12 (Tuesday), 2018.
The report should be in APA (American Psychology Association) format. The report should be word-processed in Times New Roman 12 pt font and double spaced, with at least 20 double-spaced and numbered pages (with 1” margins on all sides), excluding figures, tables, illustrations, and references. Fewer pages will result in points deduction. A cover page is required. The report should include the following:
o Course Information
o Group members with group leader indicated
o Abstract
o Introduction
o Main parts of the report
▪ the problem
▪ the context
▪ the state of art and the current best practice
▪ advantages and disadvantages
▪ recommendations
o Conclusion
o References (not counted for the length requirement of the report).
The final score for the project will be calculated based on the following grading policy:
• Project Proposal: 10%
• In-class Presentation: 40%
• Final Written Report: 50%
The term project and presentation will count as 20% of the total grade.