Interpersonal Communication:write-up 2 pages ( American Middle and high school english level)
PLEASE WRITE IN MIDDLE School level like “”””””””” when I went to the Deaf school and then I learnt what Deaf world was like, which fits my life well. Today I’m still learning the deepest of Deaf culture. Being Deaf can’t be the main barrier to lead to the failure of the big life dreams that I have. My life has been affected in various ways because of my status but that doesn’t make me fail in making my own decisions on my life. Learning about the Deaf characters and culture has made me view my status in a positive manner making me think on the privileges that the society has offered to me by giving me a chance to utilize the important privileges delegated to me. Though the society has offered several positive privileges to the Deaf, some of the people focus much on empowering the underprivileged hence hindering the Deaf from making special developments in their lives.When I was in a hearing school, I often felt overwhelmed and wanted to avoid studying and never wanted to go to college. My parents tried to convince me that school was extremely important, but I did not listen to them. One day, I told my mother that I wanted to receive a better education in a deaf school, and my mother did not want me to go to a deaf school because she believed that I did not care about education for my life. A few days later, I felt so disappointed that I was forced to learn unwanted lessons. I decided to keep telling my mother my goal was to go to a deaf school and my mother finally accepted it. I started to be joyful at that news and readied for a better education. As a college student, I applied for City college of San Francisco to learn more English and general studies and then transferred to the University. I am majoring in communication and public relations and minor in digital media. I personally love working with people, I feel very happy seeing them satisfied with their present and looking forward to their future, and I love learning different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, traditions, and many things that I have never learnt before, although what i really would be glad to add to my personal experience is developing a new project, to develop a new website to make the hearing and Deaf worlds one unit so they will be able to communicate with each other to learn about their different worlds.My major is Communication and my minors are Digital Media and Family studies part of my passion is to do my research and analysis on negative things and change them in a positive way.”””””””””
Personal Write-ups: To assess knowledge of the material and your ability to apply course concepts, there are five personal application write-ups. Each write-up must be at least one full page, Times New Roman, 12pt font, 1 inch margins, double-spaced. Each write-up must:
– explain one concept covered in class, followed by
– an example from your own life that illustrates the concept, and
– summarize/analyze why this example fits the concept described.
Be specific. Unit 2, not unit 1,3…. its related to unit 2. Am i clear? 🙂
Interpersonal Communication:write-up 2 pages ( American Middle and high school english level)
* Concept
* Example
* analysis/connection
answer short information thats related to a book: : Sarah Trenholm and Arthur Jensen. 2013. Interpersonal communication, 7th ed. Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780199827503.
Unit 1: The Basics
What are Trenholm and Jensen’s definition of communication? Describe all essential elements. P.5-9
What 2 reasons do they give for choosing that definition? P.5
How would you define communication and why?
Draw a table representing communication from a situational perspective. P.24-26
Briefly identify and give a clear example of each stage of the developmental definition of interpersonal communication. P.24-26
Do you prefer the situational or developmental definition of interpersonal communication? Why?
Identify and explain the 2 main parts of communication competence. P.9-13
Give an example and a non-example (other than the book or class!) of a type of communication competence.
What is the difference between language and communication? (lecture)
What distinguishes a language from another code? How can we define ASL as a language? (lecture)
What are some other ways we can characterize language? (lecture)
What are symbols? P.81
What are two main conceptions/ways of thinking about language? (lecture)
What 8 functions does language fulfill? P.83
What reasons can you give for English being an official language? (lecture)
How do we identify a word syntactically? Semantically/mentally? (lecture)
What are free and bound morphemes? (lecture)
What is “backformation”? Explain the difference between “robber” and “burglar” OR “hamburger” and “cooking”. (lecture)
What does “syntax” refer to? P.87
Why is syntactic competence so important? P.87
Explain ambiguity and the differences between syntactic and semantic ambiguity with examples. (lecture)
What’s the difference between denotation and connotation? (lecture)
Define and give examples of the following vocabulary: synonym; antonym; scalar antonym; hyponym; referent; idioms; relative intersection. (lecture)
How is pragmatics different than semantics? (lecture)
Name and describe Grice’s 4 Maxims (lecture)
According to Speech Act Theory, what does language do? Give at least two examples. (lecture)
What are presuppositions? Implications v. inferences?
Define the essential characteristics of conversation analysis. (lecture)
When is nonverbal behavior communication? P.48
What are the effects and influences of nonverbal communication? P.49-50
What are the 6 relationships between verbal and nonverbal messages? Describe an example for each. (lecture)
What is interpersonal distance? Give examples.
What does interpersonal distance say about the power relationship? (lecture)
What are Remland’s displays of Status in Conflict? (lecture)
What are gestures? How can we classify them? Give examples for each type.
What aspects of gaze are nonverbal scholars concerned with? (lecture)
What is blinking an indicator of? (lecture)
What is pupil dilation an indicator of? (lecture)
What is eye contact an indicator of? (lecture)
Explain the difference between face gaze, eye contact, and mutual gaze. (lecture)
What are the functions of eye behavior? (lecture)
What does laughter communicate? (lecture)
What characteristics of voice do we measure? Name at least 6. (lecture)
What factors affect rate of speech? (lecture)
What are some gender differences when it comes to nonverbal? (lecture)
What are at least six nonverbal descriptions of cultures? (p.328/lecture)
What are three barriers to communication? P.336-40.
Give examples of situations in your life where you can have barriers and why.
Explain the concept of invisibility. P. 341.
Unit 2: Family Relationships
Which interpersonal communication definition relies heavily on relationships? P.24-26
What kind of communication competence(s) do we need in our relationships? Give examples. P.38-39.
What is the difference between listening and hearing?
What is the difference between TYPES of listening and STYLES of listening?
Name and give an example of the 6 different types of listening.
Name and describe which listening style you have and why.
According to MacGeorge, “receptiveness to advice” means what? (lecture)
What 3 factors of the advice-giver affect the receptiveness of advice? (lecture) Which of these is the strongest?
One might think the level of seriousness of the problem or responsibility for the problem would affect receptiveness to advice…what are the research findings in this area? (lecture)
What is active listening and how does one do it?
What are 4 aspects of listening comprehensively?
What are 4 ways to improve empathetic listening? Agree or not and why?
What are the 4 characteristics of a healthy relationship? P.38-39.
What does it mean to say the “family is a system”? How does this apply to each family member? p.231
Family structures are characterized by what? P.235
Describe the differences between open and closed families. P.236
What are four characteristics of boundaries? (lecture)
Describe/identify a specific family structure for making decisions. P.231-240
Describe a unique family structure of your own…who does it benefit? How satisfactory is it? What is the quality of your family decisions? p.233
Name four functions the family provides, with short examples for each. P.238
What are display rules? Give an example (lecture)
What is Attachment Theory? (lecture)
What are the four Attachment Theory styles? (lecture)
What are the stages of the family, according to the book? P.240
What strategies does the book give for dealing with change?p.243-5
What two types of family rules does the book talk about? Define and give examples. P. 245-252
What do we mean by “family identity”? p.247
Howard lists 10 “good” family characteristics. Name 5 and why you (dis)agree with them. P.247
What are the stages of sibling relationships? P.252
What are the developmental stages of a child understanding truth of statements?
What is the difference between punishment and discipline? (lecture)
Describe three parental discipline techniques. P.249-251
What types of information do families keep secret? (lecture)
What are the functions that family members perceive secrets to serve? (lecture)
Is secrecy associated with family satisfaction? (lecture)
When and why should we disclose bad things? (lecture)
When do people tell family secrets? (lecture)
Who do disclose secrets to? (lecture)
What can secrets tell us about how (step)families work? (lecture)
Unit 3: Romantic Relationships
Do you find or make a best friend? Perfect mate? Why?
Name all four theories of relationships and explain how they think about relationships fundamentally. P.27-29.
What is RDT and what does it say about relationships? (lecture)
Describe the utterance chain. (lecture)
Describe the 5 predictors of liking? (lecture)
What are some nonverbal indicators of liking? (lecture)
What are Duck’s 4 steps of the filtering theory of attraction?
What is the purpose of the above theory?
Describe the matching hypothesis. (lecture)
What is the relationship between marriage satisfaction and similarity? (lecture)
What 3 needs affect our intimate relationships? (lecture)
What does self-perception theory tell us about liking? (lecture)
Why are there few cross-sex friendships in kids? (lecture)
Explain the 4 types of friendship attraction. (lecture)
What are Rawlin’s 6 friendship stages?
Stable friendships are based on what types of behavior?
What factors contribute to waning friendships?
Compare/contrast online (or “facebook”) friends with off-line friends?
Describe the different types/levels of friendship?
What are Knapp’s 5 stages of romantic coupling?
What secret tests do we use to assess the state of a relationship?
Which type of couple has the highest disclosure? P.248
What are the 3 types of couple COMMUNICATION styles that can be successful? P. 288
“The best predictor of marital success is _____________?” P. 249
What’s the 5:1 ratio (lecture)
What is an “ideology of intimacy”?
What are some of the definitions of intimacy throughout time?
In light of the changing definition of intimacy (i.e. marrying your best friend), how might we reconcile Rawlin’s stages with Knapp’s stages?
What criteria distinguish private bonds in our culture?
What factors influence the definition of intimacy?
How prevelant is unwanted but unforced intimacy? (lecture)
Why might a partner ‘give in’ to the other? (lecture)
What are consequences of a partner’s beliefs? (lecture)
Name 3 common implications a partner might use to escalate intimacy? (lecture)
Describe different types of the dominance messages?
What is punctuation?
What is a disconfirming message and its relationship to dysfunction?
Give two examples of paradoxical definitions.
Define a double bind.
What are Knapp’s 5 stages of deterioration?
Describe the Investment model. (lecture)
What is battered wife syndrome? Describe the cycle (lecture)
Describe 6 types of facial displays of emotion. P.61
What functions do emotions serve?
What skills improve our expression of feelings?
What do we know about reflecting feelings?
What are hurt feelings? (lecture)
Why do we have hurt feelings? (lecture)
How does our self-esteem affect our feelings of hurt? (lecture)
How does the relationship affect hurt feelings? (lecture)
Describe fatal attraction (lecture)
Explain in detail at least 4 example of research in the dark side of relationships (lecture)
Explain the 4 dialectic tensions in relationships.
What are the strategies involved in working out dialectic tensions?
Describe at least 5 relational maintenance behaviors with examples.
How would you adapt these maintenance behaviors for long distance relationships? For friendships? For parents/siblings?
Unit 4: Establishing Social Identity
What factors affect the way we see the world?
What’s the relationship between emotion and memory? P.133
What’s our social construct of GOOD, INDEPENDENT, ADULT, COMMITED RELATIONSHIP, GOOD PARENTING, EDUCATION, WHAT IS REAL, FEMININE, MASCULINE? Has this changed over time? Why (not)? (lecture)
What are schemata? P.137
How is a person prototype different from a stereotype?
What is a script? P.140
How do schemata and scripts affect our interpersonal interactions?
How are psychological constructs different than other types of personal constructs? P.144
Research shows that when we observe the behavior of other people, we are more likely to attribute personality or situation as a cause?
Describe all 4 attribution biases. P.148-9.
Why do we have social roles?
What is a position and its relationship to roles? P.160-162
What 4 things does the book tell us about what roles are? P.162
What does Cooley’s 2 line poem on page 164 mean?
What affects role salience? P.165
How do we break down certain roles? (lecture)
What’s the difference between personality and self-concept? P.180
What are 5 ways to see the self?
Is the self an inherent or cultural construct? P.188
What is Goffman’s notion of face?
How does Goffman categorize participants of an interaction? (lecture)
What is shame? (lecture)
What does the book describe as the two definitions of empathy?
Why is interpersonal sensitivity important to avoiding face threats?
Explain the basics of Politeness theory and its 5 levels of politeness. (lecture)
Face threats are affected by what 3 things? (lecture)
Define demeanor.
What are Goffman’s mechanisms for respect?
What is the best topic to start a conversation with? P. 102
What is the difference between open and closed questions?
What does it mean to “do the work of finding out who someone is?” (lecture)
What options do we have for introducing ourselves? (lecture)
What are some recent findings about “doing introductions”? (lecture)
What did the Bunz and Campbell study find about being polite in emails? (lecture)
What is a value? P.212
What is value theory? Give examples. P.213
What are some criticisms of value theory?
Carl and Duck think “everyday talk is a matter of continually seeking confirmation of a self.” Agree?
What are ‘source characteristics’?
What is power and the 5 kinds French and Raven describe? (lecture?)
What do the following words mean: dominance, status, domineeringness, and verticality? (lecture)
What’s the visual dominance ratio? (lecture)
What’s the relationship between nonverbal communication and power? (lecture)
Describe the five kinds of interpersonal influence strategies?
How do we build our self-presentation skills?
What are possible approaches to public interactions?
What is playacting?
What 4 criteria for effective public interactions does the book describe? P.298
What are display rules? Examples? (lecture)
What are some biases that make conflict worse?
Identify and describe 3 dysfunctional communication patterns. P.122
Reframing is primarily an issue of __________?
Why do people deceive? (lecture)
What is the definition of deception? (lecture)
How common is deception? (lecture)
According to the classic framework model what are 4 reasons the liar should behave differently than a truth teller? (lecture)
What are at least 4 cues of lying? (lecture)
How good are we at detecting deception? (lecture)
At what age are we the best lie detectors? (lecture)
What effect does familiarity have on deception detection? (lecture)
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