Select a brand for which you feel loyalty, discussion help
for both papers that you wrote for me the marketing and the operation management paper….I am going send you two paper each on written on the same topic and I want you to respond to them in a paragraph with one reference each. please do them separate.
marketing paper 1 mel
“Select a brand for which you feel loyalty. Analyze how you became loyal to the brand.”
Hello Professor and Class, when creating loyal customer’s that are complimentary in the set of needs and wants its, usually relating to a market segmentation. Author(s) Kotler & Keller (2016) explains as a marketer its task is to identify the appropriate number and nature of market segments and accord as to what market to target. The variables of a segment consumer are used within two broad groups in which researchers define segments looking at pictorial characteristics such as, geographic, demographic, and psychographic in the search as to find the difference from the needs or to product responses. In behavioral considerations, being the reactions on the benefits, usage occasions, or brands, regarding the differentiation in the characteristics associated with each consumer response segment. Kotler & Keller (2016) describes in regards as whichever type of segmentation scheme chosen, it’s the adjustment of marketing is the key to recognize customers differences.
Verify the types of segmentation strategies the brand has undertaken over the years to maintain and extend its appeal to the consumer? What are the types of market segmentation do they use? Who is their target market?
DriveTime, was first known as the Ugly Duckling (as odd as this seems), the company’s focus and its target market was on selling previously owned vehicles to new car – buyers with poor credit (Shenn, May 12, 2015). The retailer uses a proprietary known as the credit scoring model to finance the eligible care – buyer at its dealerships in house at DriveTime, while leasing used cars as well (King, April 21, 2016). According to DriveTime, the company official in June 2015, stated that the leasing model accounts for relatively 20 percent of the business (Ringle, November 18, 2015).
The moral of this story is that it has changed my views from impossible to possible realities. Brand loyalty can have the ability to employ consumers and create an emotional attachment. Creating a commitment from loyal customers to remain in a relationship for a long period of time with the or a brand. The company I am very loyal to is the brand named Drivetime. Drivetime is an American used car retailer and a finance company, that it headquarters are located in Tempe, Arizona and its retailers are located throughout the U.S. With drivetime I was able to allocate a vehicle that was well suited for my needs. I was mostly taking the bus, from where I live currently, to the airport and then from there to the school, afterwards from the school to work, you can only imagine how it was from work all the way home during the night. During this time, it was hard to keep up with assignment from school let alone staying up. I have done this four straight years accumulating the money to put down for a car, but never managed to keep it in savings. Upon my graduation day, I was told by my mother about drivetime and immediately reacted and was able to take home a vehicle the same day in an affordable payment that was suited for me, ending up driving my very first car to my graduation. Today, I am 1 year away from completely being an official owner of my car.
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” ―Nelson Mandela
King, J. (April 21, 2016). “Key to used-car profits? Control inventory”. Automotive News.
Kotler, P., & Keller, L. K. (2016). Ch. 9: Identifying Market Segments and Targets (Part 4: Building Strong Brands) “Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets”. In P. K. Keller, Marketing Management (pp. 247-267). New York: Copyright © 2016 by Pearson Education, Inc. all rights researved.
Ringle, H. (November 18, 2015). “Drivetime recognized as best place to work for IT, plans to hire 650 this year”. Pheonix Business Journal.
Shenn, J. (May 12, 2015). “Another company jsut joind the hot market for subprime auto bonds”. Bloomberg News.
paper 2 marketing meli
Market Segmentation and Brand Loyalty
Organizations use creative ways to connect with their customers and to meet the needs of the marketplace. One method utilized by marketers to target a particular group of clients is through market segmentation. Market segmentation occurs when the market is divided into groups that are similar (Robertson & Barich, 1992). These groups can be sorted by demographics, geographic location, through the use of psychology, or by consumer behavior (Kotler & Keller, 2016). The use of market segmentation allows organizations to focus on the needs of a particular group of consumers and create marketing strategies to meet the needs of those customers.
As I think of products and services that I use, I consider how market segmentation and marketing strategies influenced my decision to use a specific brand. One brand that I am particularly loyal to is Tide laundry detergent by Proctor and Gamble. My loyalty to this brand started well before I was a consumer. My earliest memories are of my grandmother using Tide laundry detergent. Our family always used Tide laundry detergent in our household. As I grew up and moved away from home, I did try other products. However, they did not work as well as Tide laundry detergent, which led me to become a loyal user of the product.
Throughout the years, Proctor and Gamble have changed its market segmentation and marketing strategies to meet the needs of their consumers. According to Proctor and Gamble (2017), Tide was first introduced to consumers in 1946. Their first market segmentation was for middle-class families purchasing a new top loader washing machine. Each new washing machine came with a box of Tide, thus creating a relationship with the consumer. Proctor and Gamble continued to change their market segmentations over the years to meet the needs of their consumers. In 1984 a need was identified relating to liquid laundry detergents. The other liquid detergents would drip over the bottles, Proctor and Gamble introduced liquid Tide with a self-draining, not drip cap. In 2005, following Hurricane Katrina, there was another market segmentation. A need of mobile laundry services in the aftermath of the disaster was identified. Proctor and Gamble created Loads of Hope. A free mobile laundry service that assists communities and families with washing and drying clothes after a disaster.
Proctor and Gamble used several different market segmentations for Tide laundry detergent to meet the needs of their consumers. These market segmentations included demographic, geographic, and psychographic. The target audience for Tide laundry detergent is women, between the ages of 18 to 64, which reside in North America (Proctor & Gamble, 2017). After learning more about Proctor and Gamble’s different uses of market segmentation and marketing strategies, I know have a better understanding of why I am loyal to the brand. This is particularly related to the use of demographics and psychographic segmentation. The use of demographics and psychographic segmentation allowed Proctor and Gamble to smaller sub-markets, which provided a competitive advantage (Chi-Feng, 2002). Proctor and Gamble have been very successful with their market segmentation and marketing strategies.
Chin-Feng, L. (2002). Segmenting customer brand preference: Demographic or psychographic. The Journal of Product and Brand Management, 11(4), 249-268. Retrieved from…
Kotler, P. & Keller, K. (2016). Marketing management. United States: Pearson Education Inc.
Proctor & Gamble. (2017). About us: Tide Laundry Detergent. Retrieved from
Robertson, T. S., & Barich, H. (1992). A successful approach to segmenting industrial markets. Planning Review, 20(6), 4. Retrieved from…
Operation Man paper 1 heat
Location decisions are important for various reasons, are made for different reasons depending on the organization type, and these decisions influence an organizations strategy (Stevenson, 2015). These decisions can impact an organizations flexibility and capacity, which is another reason they are vital decisions that influence organizations. If an organization makes a poor decision for location they could suffer from decreased available labor, increased transportation costs, loss of competitive advantage, and insufficient supplies (Stevenson, 2015). Some organizations like grocery stores, banks, or fast-food restaurants make locations decisions as a marketing strategy and to expand into a market, while an organization that provides a natural resource moves based on supply depletion (Stevenson, 2015). Smaller organizations usually decide location based on where the owner lives, while larger organizations tend to make these decisions based on market, taxation, decreased cost in production etc. and use a formalized approach (Stevenson, 2015). Organizations may consider setting up a location in a different country based on costs, infrastructure, labor characteristics, government and political factors and economic factors (MacCarthy & Atthirawong, 2003).
Location decision also impacts the design of the supply chain system (Melo, Nickel & Saldanha-Da-Gama, 2009). Ganeshan and Harrison point out that the location of a facility impactions production, stocking points, and resources (1995). Whether an organization adopts a centralized distribution approach or a decentralized distribution approach is also a by-product of location decision (Stevenson, 2015). I somewhat agree with the statement “firms at the beginning of the supply chain are far removed from final consumers”. However, I think that this depends on the good.
Ganeshan, R., & Harrison, T. P. (1995). An introduction to supply chain management. Department of Management Science and Information Systems, Penn State University, 1-7.
MacCarthy, B. L., & Atthirawong, W. (2003). Factors affecting location decisions in international operations–a Delphi study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 23(7), 794-818.
Melo, M. T., Nickel, S., & Saldanha-Da-Gama, F. (2009). Facility location and supply chain management–A review. European journal of operational research, 196(2), 401-412.
operation man paper 2 jos
Location facilities, head-quarters, assembly plants, call centers, or any other structure of an organization has multiple fundamentals, but there are general variables that apply to these that are linked to the bottom line. Reducing costs and maximizing profits are fundamental causes for location or relocation. It is very rare to see a decision in this regard that does not affect these variables. Even attractive fiscal policies for investments, political situation, social stability, cost of labor among others, directly affect profits of any organization.
Globalization has no expression if it is not through novel and in some cases, misleading location decisions. Tax evasion is a blow that societies suffer through relocation decisions used by multinationals to maximize profits by seeking cheap labor and attractive taxation in countries that need foreign investment.
Location theories aim to explain why a firm chooses to locate at one location and not another. In an optimization process that involves either maximizing profit or minimizing cost, a firm’s ultimate location decision necessarily selects the best possible place among a given set of choices and constraints. Economic geography has long been interested in explaining the rationale behind such a location process (Dubé, Brunelle, & Legros, 2016).
In a global context, global competitiveness is one of the key requirements for a company to succeed and stay in business. Easy access to sources of raw materials, to potential markets, as well as political and economic issues, force companies to operate multiple facilities in different countries. In addition, governments tend to protect industries that are weak, in decline, politically important, or threatened by import competition. Owing to the recent changes in the world economy and technological advances (e.g. the development of the Internet), companies move closer to their markets more than they have in the past Canel & Das, 2002).
Rapid changes in today’s global markets are forcing businesses to re-examine and improve the ways they compete. Integration of facility location decisions in global marketing and manufacturing strategies provides an important means for firms to compete in global markets. In these dynamic global markets, companies continuously adopt new strategies to satisfy the proliferating demands from their customers. The constant pressure of globalization has created new competitive pressures on companies to engage in global marketing, manufacturing and service activities. Levitt (1983) has argued that “Companies must learn to operate as if the world were one large market – ignoring superficial regional and national differences”. For example, many global companies locate manufacturing facilities in countries with low labor costs in an attempt to be price competitive, thereby gaining a competitive advantage in global markets. The location of activities in relation to each other as well as to buyers and suppliers often contributes significantly to such things as labor rates, logistical efficiency, and supplier access. The firm that locates its facilities well will often gain a significant cost advantage. The optimal location of activities change over time.
In the twenty-first century’s global economy customers may be scattered around the world but they still look for low cost, high-quality products and services. This trend, in addition to the political, trade, economic, and strategic alliances among nations, is creating new global markets. The changes in the global markets are due to the following factors (Canel & Das, 2002):
- Previously self-contained national markets being transformed into linked global markets.
- Overcapacity intensifying competitive pressures by giving customers greater bargaining power.
- New information technologies enabling closer links between customers and their suppliers and improving customers’ ability to evaluate the performance of alternative suppliers.
- Competitive advantages becoming difficult to sustain as product life-cycles shorten and global competitors contest more markets.
Per Ulgado (1996) some location-specific attributes can be:
- Availability of Utilities
- Availability of Suitable Plant Sites Space for Expansion
- Attitudes of Local Government
- Labor Productivity
- Local Salary and Wage Levels
- Local Labor Attitudes
- Transportation Services Availability
- Cost of Utilities
- Labor Turnover Rate
Canel, C., & Das, S. R. (2002). Modeling global facility location decisions: Integrating marketing and manufacturing decisions. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 102(1), 110-118. Retrieved from…
Dubé, J., Brunelle, C., & Legros, D. (2016). Location theories and business location decision: A micro-spatial investigation in canada. The Review of Regional Studies, 46(2), 143-170. Retrieved from…
Ulgado, F. M. (1996). Location characteristics of manufacturing investments in the U.S.: A comparison of american and foreign-based firms. Management International Review, 36(1), 7. Retrieved from…
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