Demonstrate an understanding of the role of private equity and venture capital in developed economies
Failure of basic understanding of the role of private equity and venture capital.
Fails to address the questions posed.
Arguments are implausible and unsubstantiated.
Limited or irrelevant research.
Demonstration of basic understanding of the role of private equity and venture capital.
Arguments are generally plausible with some evidence.
Basic research.
Demonstration of good understanding of the role of private equity and venture capital.
Arguments with reasonable support. Adequate research
Demonstration of excellent understanding of the role of private equity and venture capital.
Demonstrates high standard of insight and originality.
More than adequate research.
Demonstration of outstanding understanding of the role or private equity and venture capital.
Demonstrates an outstanding insight.
A highly-structures and comprehensive response to questions.
Extensive and relevant research.
Demonstrate an ability to construct and covey a credible argument on ethical aspects of private equity and venture capital for national economies and their effect on Common Good
Failure of basic understanding of ethical aspects of private equity and venture capital, relevant ethical theories and their contribution to Common Good.
Fails to address the questions posed.
Arguments are implausible and unsubstantiated.
Limited or irrelevant research.
Demonstration of basic understanding of ethical aspects of private equity and venture capital, relevant ethical theories and their contribution to Common Good.
Provides basic answers to questions
Arguments are generally plausible with some evidence.
Basic research.
Demonstration of good understanding of ethical aspects of private equity and venture capital, relevant ethical theories and their contribution to Common Good.
Answers are sufficient.
Arguments with reasonable support. Adequate research
Demonstration of excellent understanding of ethical aspects of private equity and venture capital, relevant ethical theories and their contribution to Common Good..
Demonstrates high standard of insight and originality.
More than adequate research.
Demonstration of outstanding understanding of ethical aspects of private equity and venture capital, relevant ethical theories and their contribution to Common Good.
Demonstrates an outstanding insight.
A highly-structures and comprehensive response to questions.
Extensive and relevant research.
Report organisation (Genre, pagination, format, spacing, grammar, spelling, punctuation, referencing)
Poorly-written with errors in spelling and grammar. Mistakes in citations.
Written according to the academic and adheres to academic genre (e.g., with introduction, body of the text, and conclusion). Has accurate spelling, grammar and sentence construction.
Well-written and adheres to academic genre. There are no mistakes in citation.
Very well-written and adheres to academic genre (e.g., with introduction, body of the text, and conclusion).There are no mistakes n citation.
Expertly written and adheres to academic genre. Extraordinarily organised presentation with respect to organisation, clarity of expression, grammar, punctuation, pagination, spacing