Identifying Management Skills and Organizational Structure
For your final paper you will be developing an international business plan. The scenario is that you have a small business in a country of your own choice and would like to expand on a global level. This business will be used in all of your assignments. Select a country of your choice that you might want to explore doing business in. Based on your findings prepare a 4-5 page report that addresses the following:
- Determine the needed skills managers will need to do business in your selected country.
- Justify the type of management style needed for your organization.
- Explain the type of organizational structure needed to align with the international business strategy.
- Decide and explain whether you would suggest a centralized or decentralized structure.
- Other needed information that you feel is important.
- Use at least three (3) quality references. Wikipedia does not quality as academic resources. Credible websites are acceptable.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman or Ariel font (size 12), following APA formatting inclusive of: title page, headers, page numbers, citations and references. The title and reference page are not included in the page count.
Course Outcomes:
Examine the international business environment
Analyze feasibility of entering an international market
Course Objectives:
Examine the international legal environment
Appraise the issues in international business management
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