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Critical Thinking, Organizational Analysis, management homework help

Option #1: Organizational Analysis

All organizations, regardless of industry, experience problems. Company issues and controversies, especially those that are made public, can influence a business’s success and longevity, thus impacting the future of the organization.

  1. Identify an organization, which has experienced noteworthy issues in the past, in regards to unethical behavior. Provide information about this organization, in regards to the following:
    1. Vision/mission
    2. Strategy
    3. Product/service
    4. Business model
    5. Organizational structure
  2. Provide an explanation of what occurred in this organization, which was indicative of unethical behavior.
  3. Based upon the organization’s unethical behavior, develop a list of interview questions to uncover information regarding the following:
    1. Why this issue occurred.
    2. Who was involved in this issue.
    3. How the organization is addressing this issue.
    4. How can the organization, through training and development, prevent future unethical behavior from occurring?
  4. Please note what stakeholders/employees of the organization you would interview to determine information about the unethical occurrence. Explain your rationale for selecting these individuals for an interview.

Support your case study with at least two scholarly resources. Ensure your final case includes a cover page and references formatted per the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

Written Paper
Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. Ensure each component of your paper is in a single Word document for submission to the Week 4 Assignments page. Cite any sources in accordance with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

Note: Actual interviews should not take place, as this is a chance to display your knowledge regarding the process of collecting data through proper interviewing questions and identification of interview participants.

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