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OCBC Bank Case Study, assignment help

Analyze OCBC Bank after reading this article (http://www.hrmasia.com/content/putting-person-pers…). Please click on the link, then click on the “Login in as subscriber to read the full article” located at the end of the article, then login with the credentials below. Search for “Putting the ‘person’ in personnel”, click on the corresponding result to view the full article. http://www.hrmasia.com/content/putting-person-personnel.

Login: ashford
Password: omm618

In a three- to five-page paper (not including the title and references pages), address the following:

  1. Describe OCBC’s unique approach to talent management and development.
  2. Compare OCBC’s approach to talent management and development to other organizations you are familiar with (e.g., current or past employers, a family business).
  3. Explain how OCBC’s approach to talent management and employee development been a primary contributing factor to the firm’s success.
  4. Evaluate the extent to which OCBC’s approach to talent management and development fits other organizations or industries, including some limitations if applied elsewhere without modification.

Conduct some additional internet research on OCBC, and examine how OCBC has performed recently—what has it done more of, less of, or differently from in the area of human resource management. Use this information to support your paper in addition to cited sources from the textbook; you must also use at least two scholarly sources.

Your paper must be formatted according to APA style.

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