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Module 02 Police Project – Select Your Police Agency

In this first part of your Police Project, you need to identify a police department to follow throughout the term. Take some time to identify a police department that is of interest to you. In one page, identify the department you will be completing the analysis on and state why you chose that particular department. Make sure that your document is free of spelling and grammatical errors before your submit your assignment.

Helpful Hints

  • You have the freedom to choose any department in the United States. It is suggested that you select a department that you have interest in working for or a department that you have a contact within.
  • Before making your final selection, it is recommended that you visit the website of that agency to ensure you have access to an organizational chart, Annual Report, and other units of the department.
  • If you will be completing the ride along, it is recommended that you contact the agency by the end of Module 02. For many departments, it can take up to 4 weeks to arrange a ride along.
  • If you will be completing the interview portion, it is recommended that you develop 20 questions about the organization and functions of being a police officer and have those questions available when speaking with a police department representative.
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