Management/Learning, business and finance homework help
For each question I just need you to write a paragraph with resources. There are 3 questions:
ast week, you described a team you have been involved with and the team’s level of success. This week, we have focused on the characteristics of effective and dysfunctional teams. Based on last week’s discussion, and this week’s readings and videos, identify the specific characteristics you see on the team you were on and discuss whether those characteristics were effective or ineffective teams. |
Specific characteristics that I have witness on my team that I believe make it successful are cohesion, trust, respect , results driven , and commitment. Although , working with different individuals from different backgrounds may be problematic, our group has great team cohesion as we work together to serve the military community. This cohesion allows us to understand each others strengths and weaknesses and allows us to perform to our strengths while still working on those weaknesses. Trust is also very important because it allows us to push each other. For example, there may be certain task that one individual may not feel comfortable with. However, knowing that individual’s skills and them trusting me allows me to push them to work on some of those task. Sometimes individuals need you to push them and trust them with task in order for them to understand that they can actually complete the assignment. The group is also results driven. As the organization does have goals the team motivates each other in order to meet those goals. There are many instances where members of the group will mentor other individuals in order to aid them improve skills , and therefore increase their outputs. Finally, everyone in the group is committed. Many of the members of the group are retired military, military spouses, or have family in the military. The commitment to helping members of the military allow us to provide the best service possible and ensuring that everyone in the group does so as well.
It was so nice watching this community get together to build a house for a newlywed couple. They did not look forced and rather looked enthused to partake in this gruesome task. I observed several characteristics that made them successful. The list is below.
Clearly defined roles – In the Amish culture, the men take part in the physical labor while the women prepare the meals, take care of the children, and prepare quilts. Although, I do not completely agree with these assigned gender roles, I think that it does avoid any potential confusion when it comes to which tasks someone should participate. It makes it easy, for example, if you’re a female you know that you perform particular tasks and if you’re a male you know you perform separate more physical tasks. These defined roles also allow the team to have its member identity. Team member identity is important because it allows the members to collaborate better and also avoid unclear expectations, wavering commitments and hidden agendas (Team Member Identity, 2011). In the video one can also see that although everyone is acting together to lift the wood, there is an older man guiding their actions. He is seen guiding and giving the “go ahead” on when the team should simultaneously lift the wood in order to ease the weight of what would be almost impossible if it were done alone.
Cohesion- It is evident that their culture is what drives their action. They know that helping a newlywed couple is something they do together and as a community. They most likely have had someone help them when they were once in a similar position and they are now paying it forward. They have this cohesion that forms a collaborative action to complete the task. Doing this as a community also shows comradery and also allows for new members to form a bond with current members of the community. There is a scene where a couple of men share a glass of water which shows the selflessness that these men have.
In addition to cohesion, there is an independence that this community has. Without the use of technology, things would definitely be a lot more difficult to accomplish this on one’s own. It is necessary that the community get together to perform these arduous tasks. This community shows a reciprocal interdependence in that they work together at each stage in order to perform a task (Managing Groups and Teams, n.d).
Trust- The community shows obvious forms of trust in one another. If there was no trust, I think that the group would not listen to the words of the older gentleman and would try getting the task done the way that they prefer. This could cause a lack of cohesion which could ultimately make the task more difficult.
3. The information was accurate in describing my learning style. The results indicated that I am well-balanced on all of the elements except, visual – verbal where my score showed a moderate preference for the verbal style. Felder & Soloman, (n.d.) state that verbal learners gets more out of words spoken and written. They suggest that the verbal learner outline or summarize the materials to be learned in their own words. Not certain whether anything was missed.
I feel that I learn by way of all the styles when given learning situations that are geared to a particular style.
I am more inclined to agree with my learning styles assessment because when I do my required reading, I make written notes of the more valid points I feel I should remember. I refer to my notes to study rather than having to reread the articles.
Felder, R.M. & Soloman, B.A. (n.d.). Learning styles and strategies. North Carolina State University. Retrieved from
Why might it be important for training professionals to understand the LSI?
It is important for training professionals to understand LSI because this is a tool that can be used in the instructional design process. Training professionals can develop the training process around the learning styles of their new and current employees. This affords the learning process to take place sooner than later. Most employers want their employees to perform their jobs to the best of their ability. This is one extra tool in the training professional’s arsenal.
BASED ON THIS SAME THING WRITE THE PARAGRAPH ( when I did my assignment this is my results: The information was mostly accurate in describing my style as I am a very visual learner as well as a sequential learner. However, the LSI missed that I am a reflective learner. It said I was balance between active and reflective learner when I prefer to think about information quietly in my head first, as opposed to the active learner. It would be important for training professionals to understand the LSI so that they can become more well balanced learners that can learn in any situation since you never know the setting you’ll be in when you get a job. Some jobs require more active learners while others require more reflective learners who don’t need to work in a team to do their jobs.)
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