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Two short finance papers, business and finance homework help


This is the first of two topics that I want you to explore and compose a short paper concerning.

Market Efficiency

In this paper, I want you to reference 3 outside sources. There are HUNDREDS, so I would not imagine that any of you would have the same reference. In this paper, I want you to find information and write up a short paper on: what market efficiency means, what it means for large institutional investors attempt to beat the market, and why this influences the way that small investors tend to invest. I also want to you find reference sources to discuss whether markets are indeed efficient or is this simply not possible.

The paper should be 3 pages and length and on the 4th page, list your references. I do not require a formal citation format, simply give me the source of you information.


This is the second of two topics that I want you to explore and compose a short paper concerning.


In this paper, using 3 outside sources, discuss how arbitrage works, how an investor could use that to profit, and how the concept of market efficiency could hamper its effectiveness. You should be able to find an almost unlimited supply of resources on this one.

The paper should be 3 pages and length and on the 4th page, list your references. I do not require a formal citation format, simply give me the source of you information.

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