500 words Global Health

BOOK NEEDED: Verghese, A. (2010). Cutting for stone: a novel. Knopf

  1. write a discussion essay in response to the question:

What issues of gender did the author Abraham Verghese discuss especially as it relates to women’s issues? What is the author’s philosophy on the issue of women and their health? Explain how this was expressed in the novel. Describe at least two issues of gender. Is the author’s philosophy on the subject similar or different from yours? Explain how.

2. The minimum number of words for this assignment is 500.

3. Cite all information that is not your own in APA style. You can find more information on citation here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

4. Include references at the end of the discussion in APA style

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