ENG225 Sounds in the Raging Bull Film
Prepare As we have been discussing, the mise en scène of a film is the use of a variety of design elements to create the visual theme. As you prepare to write this discussion, take a few moments to do the following:
Reflect Last week, we examined how different lighting styles and choices affected the final impact of a film. This week, we will consider different types and categories of sound at work in film and assess how they contribute to the overall sense of meaning in a film. There are many types of sound in a film. Some are diegetic(sounds that are represented as coming from within the world of the film); others are non-diegetic (sounds that come from outside the world of the film). Your text describes the different categories of sound that fall under those types. What types of sounds, and what categories, are most effectively used in the film under consideration? |
Write (due Thursday, Day 3) Using specific examples from your chosen film, construct a discussion post of at least 200 words in which you
You must use at least two outside sources, in any combination of embedded video clips, still photos, or scholarly sources. All sources should be documented in APA style as outlined by the. It is suggested that you approach this post by focusing your attention on the same film you will write about in this week’s “Establishing Theme” assignment. |