Gun Control Discussion
The topic for this week is either gun control or the death penalty. You will choose one to research and write on. Be sure to view the ppt and make sure you download the ppt to have access to me comments in the notes below.
Every essay from this point forward will follow the ‘pragmatic’ format, which is explained in the ppt. There will be 5 paragraphs. The first will describe the issues of the topic from a pro perspective. The second will discuss the issues from a con perspective. The third will uncover the values that undergird or support the pro issues. The fourth paragraph will do the same for the con issues, but in addition you will add a sentence at the end identifying the common values. The final paragraph is where you will use the common values to construct creative strategies that both sides would be willing to talk about. Remember it’s a 2-ish page paper following MLA format (double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font).