Heyraud J.K and Hernandez M.

Choose one of the two(2) academic articles in the COURSE DOCUMENTS related to the movie and seek a level of deep thinking. How does your own subjective approach to others create preconceived stereotypes?

Heyraud, J. K. (2008). The Visitor. 2008. Written and Directed by Tom McCarthy. Psychological Perspectives, 51(2), 367-368. doi-10.1080:00332920802458396.pdf

Hernandez, M. (2009). Psychological theories of immigration. Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment, 19(6), 713-729..pdf

Dare to ask a few deep thinking questions, reflect and discuss. Add at least 2 in-text citations from the one chosen article. Immigration and the psychological effects of acculturation are deep individual experiences.

The length of this paper should be between 450 – 550 words.


Note- the APA Reference format is the name of the file.

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