Nursing Topic 3 DQ
Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references:
The type of communication that would be utilized to present my ideology on the manner in which patient care can be improved within the upper-level management would include the use of research and its findings. First and foremost, the inclusion of research and its findings would communicate clearly and concisely the areas that need to be addressed in improving patient care, an element that would be used in influencing decisions. The research findings need to be translated to non-researchers within the upper management for understanding. Researchers therefore bring together a wide array of evidences from several research studies that strengthen the research ideas aimed at improving patient care. The research findings and ideas are translated in the production of programmatically useful information (Clochesy et al, 2015). To achieve this goal, the researchers need to communicate the results of the findings through multiple channels in a bid to reach an audience, with the ideology aimed at repeating the same message severally with the aim of increasing the probability of resource utilization. For instance, if communication is done on the same idea, final report summaries, national workshops, program briefs, announcements and international conferences. This therefore, gives a greater chance for other individuals to determine the ideas raised for consideration. Additionally, the results of the findings and ideas can be shared among individuals and specialist organizations who effectively synthesize the information, hence promoting communication.
Clochesy, J. M., Dolansky, M. A., Hickman Jr., R. L., Gittner, L. S., & Hickman, R. J. (2015). Enhancing Communication between Patients and Healthcare Providers: SBAR3. Journal Of Health & Human Services Administration, 38(2), 237-252.Retrirved From:…