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I have listed two questions that I need answered within the next 10hours. There is no word count but the answers need to be through and then tomorrow I will be sending you 2 assignments that are due before Sunday.

Question 1:

PivotTables – Video – This Access book author does a wonderful job of explaining and demonstrating creating a PivotTable in Access 2007!

Along the lines of this “pivot table” topic, another question, I would like to ask everyone to consider is this…

Is a PivotTable report in Access the same thing that is created the same exact way as a Pivot Table in Excel? I know that PivotTables are a topic in the DeVry BIS155 course that covers data analysis using spreadsheets.

They are similar in many ways. Is the process for creating them the same too, or is it different in Access than in Excel? Watching the YouTube video (about 10 minutes) might help you think about this.

Question 2:

Data presentation should be designed to display correct conclusions.  What issues should we think about as we prepare data for presentation?  Discuss the different methods that we can use to present data in a report.  What role does the audience play in selecting how we present the data?

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