SO1050 Sociology

Race and Ethnic StratificationAnswer the questions below.1. __________ refers to actions or practices of dominant-group members (or their representatives) that have a harmful impact on members of a subordinate group.Select only one.☐ Prejudice☐ Racism☐ Stereotyping☐ Discrimination2. Prejudice may be either positive or negative toward a particular group.Select only one.☐ True☐ False3. Discriminatory acts are always accompanied by prejudiced attitudes.Select only one.☐ True☐ False4. Sociologists emphasize that race____________________________.Select only one.☐ is a socially constructed reality☐ is important biologically☐ is established genetically not socially☐ has no importance within society5. Racism tends to intensify during periods of economic uncertainty.Select only one.☐ True☐ FalseRead the following scenario and answer the questions below:Ebony is a caseworker at a community healthcare clinic. She is dedicated to serving her clients and loves coming into work every day. This week, Ebony was assigned a young homeless man who she has met briefly on several occasions at the clinic and who is in need of referral services. Ebony decided to accept a different patient rather than the homeless man because she feels uncomfortable when he is near her.6.     Based on the scenario above, what is the relationship between being prejudiced against the homeless man and stereotyping him?Type answer here7.   Based on the scenario above, in what ways may Ebony have discriminated against the homeless man?Type answer here8. Based on the scenario above, what could Ebony have done to reduce any possible stereotyping, discrimination and/or prejudice?Type answer here9. Reflect again on the above scenario. Is this an example of individual OR institutional discrimination? Explain your answer.Type answer hereGender StratificationAnswer the questions below.10. __________ refers to the biological and anatomical differences between females and males.Select only one.☐ Sex☐ Primary distinction☐ Gender☐ Secondary distinction11. Gender refers to the socially constructed differences between males and females.Select only one.☐ True☐ False12. At birth, male and female infants are distinguished by __________, the genitalia used in the reproductive process.Select only one.☐ tertiary sex characteristics☐ primary sex characteristics☐ cultural tendencies☐ secondary sex characteristics13. The term __________ refers to the process of treating people as if they were things, not human beings. Typically, this occurs when we judge people on the basis of their physical appearance rather than on the basis of their individual qualities or actions.Select only one.☐ objectification☐ reification☐ mechanization☐ rationalization14. What is the difference between sex and gender?Type answer here15. Define the term: sexismType answer here16. Women’s increased participation in paid employment has resulted in radical changes in the division of household labor.Select only one.☐ True☐ False17. In your opinion, have gender roles changed or stayed the same since the 1950s? Explain.Type answer hereReflectionReflect on what you have learned this week to help you respond to the question below. You may choose to respond in writing or by recording a video!18. Watch this video featuring Verna Myers, a lawyer and diversity advocate. In the video, Verna says, “Biases are the stories we make up about people before we know who they actually are.”After watching the video, what does she mean by “automatic association?”How can you change your automatic associations to ensure that you provide proper healthcare toyour patients/clients regardless of race, socio-economic status or gender?Type answer hereTo watch video

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