Imagine you work for a company called Innovative Games, a leader in 3D gaming titles, Computer Design help

  • Assessment Instructions

    Imagine you work for a company called Innovative Games, a leader in 3D gaming titles. Your boss has asked you to design the ultimate gaming computer for your customers. This gaming computer will be sold to your customers to provide them with the best possible experience with 3D titles. In addition, your boss hopes to create a new revenue stream for the computer. She has asked you to consider the following factors in your computer design:

    • Cases and form factors.
    • Power supplies.
    • Motherboards and buses.
    • Memory.
    • Video.
    • Audio.
    • Cooling.

    Once you have considered all of these factors, create a design and then propose it in a 3–5 page document. The audience includes your boss and upper management. In your proposal, include the following elements as they pertain to your design:

    • Describe basic computer hardware component standards.
    • Describe basic hardware devices and their specifications.
    • Describe characteristics of computer hardware device components.
    • Describe device management of different fundamental operating systems.
    • Apply the assessment’s assigned LabSims concepts and activities.
Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Describe basic computer hardware component standards.
Does not describe basic computer hardware component standards. Identifies basic computer hardware component standards; standards do not relate to the design. Describes basic computer hardware component standards. Evaluates basic computer hardware component standards.
Describe basic hardware devices and specifications.
Does not describe basic hardware devices and specifications. Identifies basic hardware devices and specifications; standards do not relate to the design. Describes basic hardware devices and specifications. Evaluates basic hardware devices and specifications.
Describe characteristics of computer hardware device components.
Does not describe characteristics of computer hardware device components. Identifies characteristics of computer hardware device components; characteristics do not relate to the design. Describes characteristics of computer hardware device components. Evaluates characteristics of computer hardware device components.
Describe device management of different fundamental operating systems.
Does not describe device management of different fundamental operating systems. Identifies device management of different fundamental operating systems; device management does not relate to the design. Describe device management of different fundamental operating systems. Evaluates device management of different fundamental operating systems.
Apply the assessment’s assigned LabSims concepts and activities.
Does not apply the assessment’s assigned LabSims concepts and activities. Discusses the assessment’s assigned LabSims concepts and activities but does not apply them to the assessment. Applies the assessment’s assigned LabSims concepts and activities. Applies the assessment’s assigned LabSims concepts and activities; application shows strong understanding of the concepts.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of professional communities.
Does not communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of professional communities. Communicates in an inconsistent scholarly and professional manner for members of professional communities. Communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of professional communities. Communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of professional communities; written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
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