Please write and post a response of at least 150 words.

In 1500, the Roman Catholic Church had existed for about a 1,000 years and had become the most powerful religious, political, and economic institution in Europe. Yet, after Martin Luther published his Ninety-five Theses, criticizing the Church, in 1517, Protestant churches had quickly emerged by the 1550’s.
Drawing on information from the textbook and video, post a response to these questions:
In what ways was the Protestant Reformation a religious revolution?
What made it possible for this religious revolution to succeed?
Do you think it is possible for a revolutionary event of the magnitude of a Protestant Reformation to occur in today’s world? Why, or why not?

Watch Video
Luther and the Protestant Reformation crash course world history #218 by John Green
Please write the respond to thoes questions in very simple language so its looks like I wrote it.

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