Week 1 PSY330 Quiz

. How has theology impacted personality theory? (Points : 1)[removed] Religion makes assumptions about good and evil, as well as about which traits we should strive for, and these have been incorporated into personality theories.[removed] Many of today’s DSM personality disorders borrow heavily from Buddhist texts describing people who failed to find a path to enlightenment.[removed] Religion can greatly alter an individual’s personality.[removed] Religious concepts, such as the Buddhist concept of mindfulness, are rejected by serious clinicians.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 2. 2. How is the concept of “traits” related to the “big five” factors of personality? (Points : 1)[removed] Both part of psychodynamic theory.[removed] Traits are stable, enduring qualities, but the “big five” factors of personality can vary widely throughout the lifespan.[removed] Traits are the more specific constructs that make up the “big five” factors of personality.[removed] Wilhelm Wundt argued that traits and the “big five” factors of personality are the building blocks of personality.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 3. 3. Which statistical method is the most important and among the most frequently used in personality research today? (Points : 1)[removed] meta-analysis[removed] factor analysis[removed] multivariate analysis[removed] random analysis[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 4. 4. Which theorist introduced systemic eclecticism, the systematic attempt to integrate various psychological theories? (Points : 1)[removed] William James[removed] Gordon Allport[removed] Henry Murray[removed] Charles Darwin[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 5. 5. Which theoretical orientation asserts that differences in behavior and personality can be attributed to differences in brain activation? (Points : 1)[removed] trait[removed] evolutionary[removed] interpersonal/relational[removed] neurobiological[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 6. 6. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) is an example of which type of assessment? (Points : 1)[removed] objective test[removed] structured interview[removed] projective test[removed] subjective test[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 7. 7. Freud called any group of symptoms typified by anxiety and some degree of social maladjustment a(n) (Points : 1)[removed] neurosis.[removed] defense mechanism.[removed] obsession.[removed] transference.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 8. 8. All of the following examples would be considered a psychodynamic method of assessment EXCEPT (Points : 1)[removed] the Thematic Apperception test.[removed] the Rorschach Inkblot test.[removed] the Word Association task.[removed] the Dream Association test.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 9. 9. Freud stated that the id is a _____ process. Because of this, it operates on the _____ principle, seeking to avoid pain and maximize pleasure. (Points : 1)[removed] secondary; pleasure[removed] primary; pleasure[removed] tertiary; satisfaction[removed] self-fulfilling; satisfaction[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 10. 10. Karen Horney’s reinterpretation of penis envy stated that (Points : 1)[removed] women were not envious of the anatomical structure but rather the social advantage that came with it.[removed] women were not just envious of a man’s penis but also of the generally stronger physical bodies of men.[removed] men were also envious of women’s breasts and their ability to nurse their children.[removed] men were also envious of women’s ability to create and deliver life.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 11. 11. Which of the following is NOT one of the central tenants of psychoanalytic theory? (Points : 1)[removed] Human behavior is driven by sexual and aggressive instincts.[removed] All human beings have intrinsic worth and pure motivation.[removed] People experience conflict, both between the individual and society and within the individual.[removed] All significant aspects of psychological functioning are unknown to the individual.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 12. 12. In psychodynamic theory, the ego is the psychic structure responsible for (Points : 1)[removed] mediating between the primal urges and societal constraints placed on the person.[removed] satisfying primal urges.[removed] unrealistically high expectations placed on the person’s id and superego.[removed] setting oneself up as better than other individuals.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 13. 13. Today, symptoms of what Freud described as hysteria may manifest as _____ or somatoform disorders. (Points : 1)[removed] anxiety[removed] mood[removed] psychotic[removed] dissociative[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 14. 14. Object-relations theorists suggest that adult patients who experienced emotional or physical neglect as young children typically report that they feel (Points : 1)[removed] a lack of judgment.[removed] violent urges.[removed] narcissistic tendencies.[removed] a deep emptiness.[removed][removed][removed][removed]Question 15. 15. Erikson might argue that higher depression and suicide rates among adults 80 years of age and older reflects (Points : 1)[removed] issues associated declining health.[removed] issues associated with the loss of a spouse.[removed] negative outcomes in the integrity versus despair stage.[removed] negative outcomes in the generativity versus stagnation stage.Question 16. 16. How does research suggest that humiliation can damage the brain? (Points : 1)[removed] It disrupts the Mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway.[removed] It results in acute stress, leading to release of cortisol.[removed] It results in abnormal cell structure in the amygdale.[removed] It results in synapse damage that restricts brain development.Question 17. 17. Kohut believed that most psychopathology resulted from (Points : 1)[removed] deficiencies in the structure of the self.[removed] an abusive childhood.[removed] intrapsychic conflicts.[removed] early sexual experiences.Question 18. 18. Erikson coined the term _____ to describe the changes and challenges to our sense of self that develop in adolescence. (Points : 1)[removed] identity crisis[removed] self-concept[removed] social stigma[removed] angstQuestion 19. 19. In normal child development, the step following _____ is _____. (Points : 1)[removed] individuation; symbiosis[removed] symbiosis; individuation[removed] autonomy; isolation[removed] separation; symbiosisQuestion 20. 20. For Freud, the presence of aggression is normal; whereas for Winnicott, the presence of aggression indicates (Points : 1)[removed] an attachment problem.[removed] gender confusion.[removed] extreme narcissism.[removed] a brain malfunction.

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