UMUC Understanding Theories and Techniques of Abnormal Psychology


Lona is a married 35-year-old mother of one child (age 5). She has been married for ten years. At the onset of their marriage, Lona and her husband enjoyed their budding careers and great income. They drove the cars they liked, lived in the home they liked, and bought the material goods and services they liked. For most of the marriage, Lona has been the primary breadwinner (although both make six figures).

Lona became pregnant with their first child after five years of marriage. She was a doting mother of a very healthy baby girl. Her focus shifted from her career, but she tried to the best of her ability to be a jack of all trades. She was a great mother, housewife, and professional.

Soon, however, Lona became exhausted from her pace. She did not eat as well as before. She did not sleep as well as before (largely because she attempted to do all of her work while the baby was in bed). She found herself making a tremendous to-do list each day that never seemed to get done.

Lona arranged her schedule so that she did not need a babysitter. She mothered during the day and worked long into the night to meet the needs of her household. She endured this schedule for four years almost flawlessly. However, she became irritable, sickly, and seemingly “wilted.” She continued to dote on her child, but her marriage suffered. She was too tired for intimacy and resented her husband for daring to state that he was tired. He seldom helped around the house, and their daughter was so attached to Lona that she could not be soothed by her father for long periods of time.

Lona became sullen and very tired. Her allergies returned after a ten-year hiatus. She stopped doing the things she enjoyed and began to do whatever she could to simply stay awake. She decided to quit her high-paying job to work for a lesser salary at home. She stated repeatedly that it was her husband’s turn to pick up the slack.

Lona only spoke to her sister and mother of her anger, resentment, and fatigue. She discontinued exercise due to her inability to get up in the morning early enough to go jogging. This has left her twenty pounds heavier than before.

Lona states upon meeting you that she feels she is going downhill and needs some help to figure out a solution to her problems. She is very cooperative and willing to work hard to feel better for the sake of her child.

Lona has not ever been in therapy before, but several of her friends have found it beneficial and enlightening.

Lona’s aim is to keep her family intact and work on her problems to feel better.

The completed work should be 6–8 pages long.

Grading criteria for this assignment:

You are giving Lona a preliminary diagnosis. This is your first session/intake, so your information is limited to the above.

  1. Discuss Lona’s key symptoms and why they are important. Use at least one additional relevant source to support your opinion. (20 points)
  2. What would you say is Lona’s primary diagnosis? Be sure to cover areas such as; former level of functioning, current level of functioning, stress factors, medical issues/personality disorder (if relevant)
    1. Discuss your diagnosis and provide justification using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) ( codes and least one additional relevant source. (40 points)
  3. List treatment goals and discuss each separately and in detail. (10 points)
  4. List strengths and your ideas regarding how each could be used to support Lona in her treatment. (10 points)
  5. List areas of improvement and your ideas regarding how each could be changed to support Lona in her treatment. (10 points)
  6. List two homework assignments and how each will support Lona in her treatment. (5 points)
  7. What are some areas you will explore next (e.g., Lona’s relationship with her husband; professional goals)? Discuss your reasons for exploring these areas and how this will assist Lona in her treatment. (5 points)
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