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Intro to film

I have a final paper this is my PREP for that paper this is the requirements for the draft and I will post the final under it you can save the information and add more when I post it for the final is that ok? I have drew a line and attached the info for the final assignment so that you understand what is being done for this weeks assignment.

Final Film Critique Draft

Review the final Paper instructions in Week 5 of the online course or in the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide. Then, visit the Ashford Writing Center located under the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation tool bar in your online classroom.

  The draft must contain:

  1. Introduction with thesis statement 
  2. At least five body paragraphs 
  3. Conclusion 
  4. Reference page

  The paper must be three to five pages in length (excluding the cover and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page.



Final Film Critique

  Review the critical analysis questions in the “Conclusion and Critic’s Resource” section of your textbook. Write an eight to ten page film critique (excluding the cover and reference pages) of an American feature film of your choosing. Use the list of critical analysis questions provided in your textbook as a guide while writing your paper.

Areas that must be covered:

  • Storytelling 
  • Acting 
  • Cinematography 
  • Editing 
  • Sound 
  • Style and Directing 
  • Impact of society on the film and vice versa 
  • Genre 
  • Application of at least one approach to analysis and interpretation 
  • Overall textual themes

Writing Tips:

  • Students must select a film that they have not previously explored in class, either in written assignments or discussion posts. 
  • Students must establish a coherent thesis statement in the introduction of their paper with a claim that they intend to prove. The body of the essay serves to support the thesis through an analysis of the film and other relevant material.  Avoid simply rehashing descriptive material from other source. 
  • Support your thesis through textual and formal analysis. Refer to specific shots, scenes, characters, stylistic devices, and themes in the film. 
  • As much as possible, use technical, literary and industry terms to make your points. 
  • If needed, you may use additional resources to support your claims. Suggested sources might include academic books and articles; film reviews; and personal opinions from reputable film critics and scholars. Information other than production details obtained from popular sources such as The Internet Movie Database and Wikipedia is not considered reputable. 
  • Only use plot information to support the thematic points of the paper. Include only one to two sentences of plot summary when explaining each of the required filmic elements. 
  • Also, students should not choose a film that the authors of the textbook have analyzed in detail.

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