Sam Houston State University Domestic Violence Discussion

Instructions: For Writing Assignment #1, you will watch a video about how the tide turned on domestic violence. In the video, Esta Soler charts the last thirty years of tactics and technologies that led to a drop in domestic violence rates in the U.S. Soler made this presentation as part of a series called TED Talks. “TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out in 1984 as a conference bringing people from three worlds together: Technology, Entertainment, Design”. You can visit their website at Video Papaer 1:… Write a 2 full page paper describing your response to Soler’s talk, and relate it to material from the textbook. In addition to the 2 full pages of text, include a proper cover page and references page as well. Required is APA citation and writing style.


1) Have a cover page with your name, course number, title of paper, and date. This DOES NOT count toward the 2 to 3-page limit.

2) Each paper should use 3 reference sources and they can be: the video, the textbook, and 1 other source.

3) Each paper will have a reference page which DOES NOT count toward the 2 to 3- page minimum. VAW Spring 2019 pg. 4

4) 2 to 3-page minimum means written text. It cannot not be shorter than 2 full pages of written text or you will lose points.

5) Properly cite your work – APA format.

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