Reflect on what you have learned about yourself during this class with regard to cross-cultural concepts. Indicate where do you stand on each of these five cross-cultural dichotomies:

Reflect on what you have learned about yourself during this class with regard to cross-cultural concepts. Indicate where do you stand on each of these five cross-cultural dichotomies: i. Traditional vs. Nontraditional (choose one) ii. Collectivist vs. Individualist (choose one) iii. Ethnocentric vs. Relativistic (choose one) i v. Universalist or Relativist (choose one) v. Masculinity vs. Femininity (choose one)

a) First, define cultural dichotomies in your own words and then explain why these are of particular interest for cross-cultural psychologists to explore. b) For each dichotomy listed above, describe the following (in essay format): • your definition of each side of the dichotomy • which side of the dichotomy relates to you most with at least one example that illustrates why you identify with one side of the dichotomy rather than the other. Please note: you must choose one side that you lean towards more – you cannot be “both” or “in between”. • at least one specific factor (either from your personal life or during this class experience) that helped you clarify where you stand on these dichotomies (e.g., an experience, something you read in the text, a class activity or assignment, something shared by fellow students).

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