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Literature Study presentation

Choose a minimal 5 books that represent three different diverse groups other than your own.  (children’s books or adult books on diversity/ multiculturalism or that shows diversity in education) 

Part 1:

For each book, you are required to: Complete Bibliography

Part 1 Include: the author, publishing date, title, publishing company location, Publishing Company (APA format).

Eg. Mitchell, T. (2012). People in organizations. New York: McGraw-Hill.  Include the ISBN.

In addition, write a summary of the each book. Don’t forget to identify the diverse group represented in the book.  Identify the setting.  Was the setting important to the happenings in this story?  Why or why not? Why did you choose this book? Discuss your personal reactions to the book. How and in what way did the book   increase your knowledge and understanding of the represented group? Was the information factual and authentic? Use the Evaluation Checklist to assist your discussion of each book. Discuss the implications for teaching and learning in a diverse society. Use good visuals for each book.

Part 2:  Rate each book using information discussed, textbook and handouts distributed in class. Rate on a 1-3 scale with 1 the lowest and 3 the highest and why. 

Guide to Rating Multicultural Books:http://multiculturaliterature.weebly.com/uploads/1/3/8/7/1387264/multicultural_lit_tables.pdf

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