Legal Environment of Business – case analysis assignment – (Taylor v. baseball Club of Seattle, LP, 132 Wash.App. 32 (2006))
Case Analysis – 10 % -Students must write a case analysis to an assigned case. The professor will hand out assignments in class and they will also be posted to Canvas during the first or second week of class and sent out via e-mail to your CWU group wise account e-mail.NO PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED LATE. This assignment must be researched (you have to find the actual case) and attach it to your analysis. This case analysis must be professionally written, in typewritten form. Research must be cited.Two students will be assigned each case. Cases must be independently written. This means that you and the other person assigned the same case must write your own individual, separate and different paper.You must have a title page which identifies your name, date, class section (BUS 241.003) and the case name. On the date that your case is due, it is due both in class as well as on line at the time class starts (7:40 a.m.) Attached to your analysis must be a copy of the case that you researched yourself or the http site that I can click on without doing anything else. Additionally and on a separate piece of paper( separate document when e-mailing) , please list your name, the and section number of the class (BUS 241.003), the case name researched and one substantive multiple choice question that can be answered during your presentation. If there is no multiple choice question and answer attached, or it is not in the format requested, your paper will be reduced by 10 points and the question will not appear on the final. A sample case will be provided via Canvas. The paper must be labeled with the following sections listed below.Plagiarism is not acceptable and assignments with plagiarism will be given no credit. Note: If there are more than 5 typographical errors (which include spelling, sentences without verbs etc.), the paper will receive a grade of a 60, regardless of content. In addition, the case analysis must include the title page (with name, Class section (i.e. Bus Law 241.003) and the following sections (please make sure they are labeled as such) :1. Case Citation-The name of the case and where it can be found2. Background of case- When and where the case took place- state, federal court plus the date of the case, criminal/civil.3. The issue: The question(s) the court was being asked to answer4. Facts of the Case- What actually happened5. Procedure- History of the case, i.e. How the case worked through the court system. i.e., what happened at the trial court, what happened at the appellate court etc. Do not include what happened at the court that you are currently analyzing as this is the decision.6. The decision of the case- What the court said that answered the question above in the issue7. The rationale of the court- The reason behind the court’s decision8. Your opinion as to whether the decision is correct or incorrect and why.9. Your multiple choice question with answer as separate attachment.
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