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Policy on PMR’s in the Health Record

The use of Personal Health Records by patients continues to grow. Healthcare organizations are needing to develop policies on how to best leverage the use of this information for patient care in the continuum of care, this can include specific Personal Health Records maintained through an electronic system or can be actual records from other healthcare providers.Select policies, procedures and guidelines provided for benchmarking in Module 01 under Benchmarking Resources based on appropriateness to this topic, or you may research policies, guidelines and standards on your own to use as a benchmark. Review your selected policies, procedures and guidelines and select the information after comparing those resources that you will include in your policy and write your policy on Personal Health Records.Your policy should be sure to address the following:What is a Personal Health record,Is the PHR a part of the legal health record of your organizationHow can it be used by patients, providers and organizationsWhat are the privacy, security and confidentiality issuesWhat are the management of information and ownership issuesWhat are the maintenance issues relating to PHROne source you may want to consider is A Report Recommendation from the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics, Personal Health Records and Personal Health Record Systems.The completed typed policy should be 1 page. If you use a source for the policy, state the source at the end of the policy under a heading titled references.CriteriaPointsPolicy addresses the following:What is a Personal Health record,Is the PHR a part of the legal health record of your organizationHow can it be used by patients, providers and organizationsWhat are the privacy, security and confidentiality issuesWhat are the management of information and ownership issuesWhat are the maintenance issues relating to PHRApplies correct spelling, grammar, and a consistent policy format is usedPlease meet CriteriaPolicy addresses the following:What is a Personal Health record,Is the PHR a part of the legal health record of your organizationHow can it be used by patients, providers and organizationsWhat are the privacy, security and confidentiality issuesWhat are the management of information and ownership issuesWhat are the maintenance issues relating to PHRApplies correct spelling, grammar, and a consistent policy format is used

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