
Learning ObjectivesIdentify strategies for developing yourself as a critical thinkerThink about a problem or decision you have had to deal with. Complete the following information (in flowchart or paragraph form) to work through that problem effectively.If you can think of problem you can use one of the following vignette examples:EXAMPLES:You are (or your girlfriend is) pregnant! What are your choices? What is the practical action?You need to attend summer school BUT you have already accepted a new, exciting summer job that will help your career. What are your choices? What is the practical action?You parents are divorcing and they want you to decide where to live. Do you move to live with one parent or not move and live with another? What are your choices? What is the practical action?You are having a ton of trouble following your instructor’s teaching style. What are your choices? What is the practical action?It is time to decide: should I transfer schools or not? What are your choices? What is the practical action?Your boyfriend/girlfriend decides to transfer to a far away school. What are your choices? What is the practical action?You have a car to sell. Your friend is borrowing it. She really needs it. She has no money to by it, but you could really use the money by selling it. What are your choices? What is the practical action?PROBLEM-SOLVING FLOWCHARTDefine Problem Here                        Analyze the Problem____________________        ____________________________________________________________________        ____________________________________________________________________        ____________________________________________________________________        ________________________________________________Use sections below to list and analyze possible solutions.POTENTIAL POSITIVE EFFECTS           SOLUTION         POTENTIAL NEGATIVE EFFECTS_________________________          1.________     _______________________________________________________          __________    _______________________________________________________          __________    _______________________________________________________          __________    _______________________________________________________          2.________     _______________________________________________________          __________    _______________________________________________________          __________    _______________________________________________________          __________    _______________________________________________________          3.________     _______________________________________________________          __________    _______________________________________________________          __________    _______________________________________________________          __________    ______________________________Now choose the solution you think is best…ACTUAL POSITIVE EFFECTS                 ACTION TAKEN ACTUAL NEGATIVE EFFECTS_________________________          __________    _______________________________________________________          __________    _______________________________________________________          __________    _______________________________________________________          __________    ______________________________Reevaluate: Was it a good or bad solution?

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