OSHA # 1: An Unannounced Inspection The Situation: An OSHA inspector arrives at your worksite requesting to talk with you about an inspection based on the health and safety complaints of a worker. You are in your office and the OSHA inspector is a

SCENARIO # 1: An Unannounced InspectionThe Situation: An OSHA inspector arrives at your worksite requesting to talk with you about an inspection based on thehealth and safety complaints of a worker. You are in your office and the OSHA inspector is at the reception office. Youknow this worker to be a highly disgruntled individual who is constantly questioning all aspects of his job and the workenvironment. The area he works in is currently undergoing a major renovation for a process change for the product in theline, but it is still trying to produce the older version of the product at a lower volume than before. Your area supervisor is acompetent individual, but they are working under a lot of stress with the changeover; therefore, you are only 80% sure thatthe claims listed in the complaint are groundless and without merit. The worker is also heavily involved in an effort tounionize the plant employees. In addition, your plant manager is in another state at corporate headquarters for someimportant meetings.The Questions: How would you act, what actions should you take, and what would you do? Should you challenge thevalidity of the OSHA inspector’s request, or their right to enter the workplace? Or should you request a warrant to enterthe workplace, and thereby gain some time to make sure everything is in order back in the plant? Can you gain any timeto check with your in-area safety supervisor first? Or, should you immediately comply with the request for the inspection?Explain your answers.SCENARIO # 2: Serious Near-Miss Crane IncidentThe Situation: You are the EH&S professional at your company’s shipyard. You have just received a call from aproduction supervisor that there has been a very serious near miss accident out in the assembly area. Your company ismanufacturing the second Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) for the US Navy. This new generation high speed, trimaran designwarship has been designed to carry out a wide range of tactical, combat, and support operations in the near-shore(littoral) environment. The project is severally over budget and has received a considerable amount of criticism for it.Successful completion of the project at this phase will be a prime determinant in your companies securing the verylucrative follow-up contracts for more LCS’s. Everyone in the shipyard feels the pressure to complete this project ASAP.Apparently a very large 20 ton overhead crane had some cables snap and has partially collapsed while trying to hoist alarge section of the vessel into place for its final welding operation. When you arrive on scene, you see the sectionwedged overhead between some support beams and walkways. About a dozen hourly workers are scattered about asthey leaped to safety after hearing the cables snap. There are many bumps, bruises and scratches on the workers, butthey all are able to be treated internally at your nurse’s office. In this initial assessment, there appears to be no need for,or request on the part of the employees, to go to any outside medical consultant or hospital emergency room.Almost immediately you can hear the men complaining that the first attempt to lift the unit did not work and then theproduction engineer’s decided to “jury rig” some extra cables to lift the unit in place. In addition, one individual said thatthey were trying to hoist about 28-30 tons, and that was just too much for the old crane. Another offered that the cablesthemselves had not been changed out in a couple of years and that was against OSHA regulations. Everyone said thatthey could hear the unit groan and screech before the cables snapped and the crane partially collapsed.Before you walk off with the supervisors to inspect the damage one of the workers offers the opinion that this is an“imminent danger” situation. About 30 minutes later, you are meeting with the engineers and supervisors on one theoverhead platforms continuing your inspection of the damage: when a supervisor comes up and tells you that he hasheard that an hourly employee has just called OSHA and told them of the situation and that they used the term “imminentdanger” in their conversation.The Questions: What are your most important concerns? What should you do next? What information is the most criticalfor you to have right away? What directions would you give to the supervisors and engineers? When should you informyour facility manager and what should you tell him/her? Should you meet with the hourly employees and what will youdiscuss with them? How will you handle the OSHA inspector should one show up in the next few hours?Instructions: For Scenario # 1 AND # 2, you are required to discuss a sequential Action Plan on your part that addressesall of the issues presented. It should be a minimum of about 500-600 words (that’s about two pages when double spaced,12 pt type, 1” margins) and must follow the APA formatting guidelines.

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