SPSS Assignment
This assignment tests your ability to correctly identify and apply statistical techniques, describe and interpret results, and present managerial recommendations. You will be graded on each of these concepts.Always create your own tables to present the results. Simple copying and pasting the SPSS tables will reduce your grade (you may copy/paste histograms from SPSS). First copying/pasting into Excel (or other) than copying/pasting into SPSS is the same thing. Be sure to create presentation quality tables from the raw data tables produced by SPSS. Keep in mind that a table may not be necessary for every question. Assume any data errors you discover are double-entries which should be corrected to single-entries (e.g., 44 should be 4). Not finding and correcting these errors means your other answers will probably be wrong. Be sure to properly list results (e.g., sort means in descending order, etc.) rather than a random (i.e., lack of meaning) order.Download the SPSS file “Avery Fitness Center MR 2015.sav” from Blackboard>Assignments. Refer to both the survey (p. 357) and codebook (p. 358) for guidance. The class handouts and Chapters 17 and 18 provide examples of the needed techniques and interpretations. The class handouts and Chapters 19 and 20 provide guidance on how to best present your results. Unless specified otherwise, use an alpha of .05. Be sure to report all relevant values (e.g., chi-square, et cetera). Also use a 95% confidence level where appropriate unless told otherwise. The Guide to Using SPSS, the textbook, and the class handouts will help you use SPSS.When done, submit a single Word document with your “lastname” in the filename on Blackboard>Assignments>SPSS Homework Submission.NOTE: The results you get will be DIFFERENT from the exhibits in the book!Remember to use relevant data to thoroughly explain and analyze your answers. In addition to the correct answers, you will be graded on the clarity of communication including the appearance of exhibits (e.g. tables). Presenting the SPSS tables will lower your grade. The tables you submit should be created in either Word or Excel (or similar).This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. Sharing of answers, data, tables, analysis, et cetera is strictly prohibited. While it is acceptable to ask a classmate on how to use SPSS, you cannot work together on the analysis of the data, creation of the tables, or any other component of this project. If you do then you are violating the Academic Integrity policy and subject to receiving a failing grade for the course. Your papers will be submitted through turnitin.com (via Blackboard) and checked for originality. Furthermore each file will be inspected for evidence of collaboration.Working side-by-side or sharing of files is a violation of the academic integrity policy and all parties involved will be reported to the Associate Provost. DO NOT allow someone else to have access to your files. You will be held responsible if someone else uses your file/work even if they do not have your permission. Violating the Academic Integrity policy may result in failing the course.Remember to:· Report all relevant statistics including t, F, df and significance levels, et cetera.· Where appropriate, show and explain if the results are significant. Simply including/reporting a significance number is not adequate.· Provide complete and thorough interpretations of the individual variable and, where appropriate, in comparison to other variables (e.g., Importance variables).· Use tables and/or graphs, with accompanying commentary, where appropriate.Questions:1. How many total cases are in the data file?2. What mistakes, if any, did you find and correct? Complete the following table (add any additional rows as needed) with any errors you found and corrected.Case ID#VariableMistakeCorrection3. How many variables are in the file?4. How many respondents have visited AFC within the last 30 days?5. Using only the standard deviation for each of the Importance variables, which variable had the greatest amount of agreement? List these four variables in table below in order of most to least agreement.Importance VariableStandard DeviationCreate and present a Frequency table to present your answers to the following questions:6. What percentage of the respondents who answered the Gender question is male?7. What percentage of everyone who took the survey is female?Create and present a single Frequency table using the variable Income and answer the following questions:8. What percentage of the respondents who answered the question make over $120,000 per year?9. What percentage of the respondents who answered the question reported making $60,0000 or less per year?10. What percentage of the respondents who answered the question reported making over $30,000 per year?11. What percentage of the survey respondents reported making between $60,001 and $75,000 per year?Create and present a Histogram with a normal curve (can use the SPSS graph) using the variable Age and answer the following questions:12. What are the mean, standard deviation, and count for age?13. What are the upper and lower boundaries (i.e., ages) of the normal distribution? How did you calculate these numbers (show your calculations)?14. Identify (by specific ages and frequency) any outliers (if any).15. If there are outliers, what do you recommend be done with them and why?Create and present a Frequency table using the variable Work Status:16. Based on the percentages of those currently Retired, calculate the sampling error for EACH proportion (the formula is in the book). Be sure to show and explain the numbers you used. Also be sure to show the resultant confidence interval. Show if the proportions are different from each other.Createand present a single table that lists the following:17. Percentages and counts for each category of the four continuous Importance variables: General Health/Fitness, Social Aspects, Physical Enjoyment, and Specific Medical Concerns;18. The top two boxes for each of these variables;19. The mean, median, and standard deviation for each variable and the variable’s sampling error (formula in the book). Show how you calculated the sampling error. Sort the variables from the largest mean to the smallest. Be sure to show the ranking numbers (e.g., 1,2,3,4).Create a single table to compare the means between:20. The pairs of all of these four continuous Importance variables (General Fitness; Social Aspects; Physical Enjoyment; Specific Medical Concerns). Explain if there are/are not significant differences between each pair of variables.21. List all the variables in the table in the order of most important to least important (be sure to show why/how you determined the level of importance).Run a One-sample T-test and present a table to determine:22. If the average number of monthly visits (i.e., the variable Visits) is significantly different from the national average of eight. Interpret and explain your relevant results. Be sure to report the mean difference, t-value, degrees of freedom, and significance level.Create and present a Cross-tabulation table of the variables Pool and Doctor.23. What percentage of the total sample utilized the therapy pool?24. What percentage of those who used the therapy pool did a doctor recommend?25. What percentage of those recommended by a doctor utilized the therapy pool?26. Show and explain if the results are significant.27. How strongly, if at all, are the variables associated with each other?Show in a table:28. The comparison of the means between the number of Visits and the work status of members. Explain, and show, if the means are significantly different from each other.Run and interpret a correlation analysis and create a single table that:29. Uses the four Importance variables (General Fitness; Social Aspects; Physical Enjoyment; Specific Medical Concerns) showing the correlations and which are significant.30. Replace the diagonal values with the respective means in the table.Run and interpret a linear regression analysis using Revenue as the dependent variable. The independent variables are the four Importance variables used above, and the variables Likely To Recommend and Age.31. Show evidence if the model is or is not significant.32. What is the coefficient of multiple determination for the model? How do you interpret it?33. Which variables, if any, are significant? How do you know that they are significant? Interpret the effect each significant variable has on the dependent variable.34. Are the results and your interpretation the same if the alpha is changed to .10?Recommendations35. Based on your analysis of ALL the data in this assignment, write clear and specific managerial recommendations.