As part of a major plant renovation project, the industrial engineering department has been asked to balance a revised assembly…

As part of a major plant renovation project, the industrial engineering department has been asked to balance a revised assembly operation to achieve an output of 24O units per eight-hour day. Task times and precedence relationships are as follows:Durationlmmediate Task (minutes) Predecessora0.2 b 0.4 a c 0.2 b d0.4 e 1.2 d f1.2 g1.0e,fDo each of the following:b. Determine the minimum cycle time, lhe maximum cycle time, and the calculated cycle time. (Round your answers to 1 decimal place.)The minimum cycle time The maximum cycle time Calculated cycle timeminutes minutes minutesDetermine the minimum number cf stations rrceded. (Round your answer to the next whole number.)Minimum number of siationsd. Assign tasks to workstations on the basis of greatest number of following tasks. Use longest processing time as a tiebreaker. lf ties still exist, assume indifference in choice.Work stations Iil ilt IVFollowing Tasks (Click to select) v(Click to select) v (Click to select) v (Click to select) vCompute the percentage of idle time for the assignment in paft d. Use the actual bottleneck cycle time in your calculation. (Round your answer to { decimal place. Omit the “%” sign in your response.)

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