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The Effects of Information Technology

The Effects of Information TechnologyContains unread postsInformation Systems (IS) play a critical role in supporting, supplementing and automating many of our professional and personal lives, including business decision-making, shaping and transforming industries, and contributing to deep societal and economic change.  The impact of technology on economic growth and development, electronic globalization, and the vast opportunities and challenges of a hi-tech world have both short-term and long-term effects on our world.  Use this forum to reflect on the following:What is an example of a technology that has global implications?What are some of the short-term issues and challenges with this technology?What are some of the long-term issues and challenges with this technology?REMEMBER- every post (New Thread or Reply)mustbe supported by relevant information. Prove the point you are making by a) citing external research, b) citing readings from the class content, or c) providing examples or  personal experiences that are relevant and support your position on the topic. It isalwaysbetter to begin your reflection on the topic by doing some research/reading, either a) or b) or both, before considering personal experience. This research, reflection and subsequent writing is an essential part of the learning process, framing your personal experience against and alongside more general theories, concepts and writing on the topic. Grading of your participation will be according to the table outlined in the Grading Policy/Rubric for Class Participation (Weeks 1 – 8)” You can see the rubric by clicking on Discussions in the top nav bar, then scrolling down to the Weekly Discussions area.

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