problems solving

Mathematics is evident in nearly every facet of life. From cell phones to robots or digital cameras to tablets, many of the technologies today that we consider commonplace, even essential, would not exist without the understanding of numbers. Having an awareness of the evolution of math and numbers throughout history reveals the rich presence of math in everyday life.In Part I of this project, you will complete four problems (two from each chapter) similar to ones that you have done for homework. You will need to show the solution to the problem and explain your solution using the concepts and terminology that you have learned.Begin with an Introductory paragraph about what you have been studying in this class. Do not just provide a list of topics, think about how to explain the “general ideas” of the class to your readerThis should be followed by four problems (two from each Chapter) selected from the Word document provided below. Your assignment should explain to the reader what the problem asks you to do, provide a complete solution to the problem, followed by a paragraph that explainsnot only how to solvethe problem but the relevance or importance of this topic. You may label the four problems “Problem #1”, “Problem #2” and so onHere’s an example using the following problem:Solution: In this problem we are asked to find the set A’,   which is the complement of the set A. Using roster notation, A = {9,   triangle, circle, square}. To find the complement of A, we need to find all   the other elements of the universal set, U, that do not appear in A. That   would include the values 3, 7, and ? inside set B, as well as the 8 and #,   which are not in either sets A or B. The final solution is: A’ = {8,   #, 3, 7, ?}This problem illustrates the importance of mathematical notation   and interpretation of a graphical representation. To solve this problem, we   must not only know what thecomplementof a set is, but also how   to parse a Venn diagram and represent various sub-sets.· Finally, write a conclusion paragraph that summarizes how your view of mathematics has improved or matured over the last two weeks. How can you apply thisnew skill or knowledgeto your educational degree or personal goals?Week 2 Final Project: Part I: Chapter ProblemsChapter 1 (Problem Solving and Critical Thinking):Select TWO problemsfrom the following list:1a. Write two statements similar to the   following, then explain which one of them is inductive reasoning and which   one is deductive reasoning. Show that you understand the difference between   these two types of reasoning.Person A states “The course policy   states that if you turn in at least 80% of the homework, your lowest exam   grade will be dropped. I turned in 90% of the homework, so I conclude that   lowest grade will be dropped”.Person B states “We examine the   fingerprints of 1000 people. No two individuals in this group of people have   identical fingerprints. We conclude that for all people, no two people have   identical fingerprints”.1b. Make up a new problem using patterns   similar to this problem from Example 4 in Section 1.1.Your pattern may use shapes, colors, or   textures. Be sure to explain in detail how to solve your problem.1c. Explain how to ROUND a number to any   place. Give at least three examples. Why is this important?1d. Make up a new problem similar to   this one: “The cost of renting a boat from Estes Rental is $9 per 15 minutes.   The cost from Ship and Shore Rental is 20 per half-hour. If you plan to rent the boat for three   hours, which business offers the better deal and by how much.”Your problem should involve at least two   options that need to be evaluated. Be sure to explain in detail how to solve   your problem.Chapter 4 (Number Representation):Select TWO problemsfrom the following list:4a. Explain why a symbol for zero is needed in a positional system,   but NOT in other systems. Given an example of each type of system.4b. Convert each of the following base   ten numerals to a numeral in the given base:Convert 67 to base threeConvert 1544 to base fiveConvert 59 to base twoExplain why it is important to   understand the base for a number as well as the value.4c. Use the symbols in the Egyptian Numeration system, as   shown, to write 3,524,634 as an Egyptian numeral. [Hint:   Write it on paper, then take a picture with your phone and upload to your   document.]4d. Assume there is a system that represents numbers   exactly like the Greek Ionic system, but with different symbols. The symbols   are as shown here.Express each of the following as a   Hundu-Arabic numeral: SPF, nfVRH, and pUF.Explain whether this system is a   positional system or not.Chapter 4, “Number Representation and Calculation” (p. 211)· Section 4.1, “Our Hindu-Arabic System and Early Positional Systems”(pp. 212–217)· Section 4.2, “Number Bases in Positional Systems” (pp. 220–225)· Section 4.3, “Computation in Positional Systems” (pp. 227–233)· Section 4.4, “Looking Back at Early Numeration Systems” (pp. 236–240)· Blitzer, R. (2014). Thinking mathematically (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

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