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Technology in the Mathematics Classroom

As education advances in the 21stst century, educators must be prepared to use technology to engage students in learning, enhance instruction, and support students with exceptionalities.Create a 7-10 slide digital presentation for a staff development session for elementary school teachers  on the use of technology in the mathematics classroom.Your presentation should include:Three technologies that can be used in the mathematics classroom to enhance instruction . Technology incorporated could include apps, computer programs, videos, websites, etc. Your choices should represent varied technologies. For each technology, include the following:A detailed description of the technology including the features of the technology, how it works, and the elementary grade levels where it is developmentally appropriateBenefits of using the technology in a mathematics classroom and how it fosters students’ engagement, communication, and confidence in using technology.A mathematics classroom example of the use of the technology. Explain how teachers and students would interact with the technology for a specific math lessonOne assistive technology to support the communication and learning of students with communication disabilities.A title slide, presenter’s notes, and a reference slideThe digital presentation should include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.

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