
PLO 3 – Quantitative Fluency: Explain how accurate calculations and symbolic operations are used in interpreting social and economic trends.PLO 4 – Applied Learning: Evaluate a scenario in which academic knowledge and skills could be applied to a work or community issue.The AssignmentAs individuals and as a society, we use mathematics every single day to make important decisions, drive advancements, and understand the world around us. In this assignment, you will choose a real-world topic (from the list below) and you will describe and discuss how mathematics is used to address current issues related to that topic. You will:1. Describe the history of the topic as well as the history and development of the branch (or branches) of mathematics being used to address issues related to it,2. Provide a summary of the formal mathematics being used to address issues related to your topic, with appropriate mathematical symbols, formulas, terminology, and concrete examples,3. Explain how the mathematics is applied in the real-world to work, community, social, and economic issues.See the section Outline Of Material To Present below for a more detailed explanation of what you will submit for each of these three sections.The topics are• Health and HealthcareReview the section Tips To Get Started at the end of these directions for more information on the mathematics (and corresponding chapters from your textbook) that you may want to consider writing about for each of these five options.You may write on any of these five topics, but you may not write on a different topic unless you have received express prior permission from your individual instructor. Your instructor is not required to approve alternative topics and will only do so if he or she is certain that there is sufficient research and information available to adequately complete this assignment.Outline of Material to PresentThe assignment is broken down into three parts: Introduction and Historical Context, Summary of Mathematics, RealWorld Applications. Each part has a subset of questions and issues you must address. Please ensure that yourreport includes a section for each of the three Parts listed below, and that each part addresses ALL of the subquestionslisted. Again, you must select one of the topics provided above unless you have received permissionfrom your individual instructor to write on another topic.Part 1: Topic Introduction and Historical Context (approximately 2 pages)Here is where you will introduce your topic and explain why it is important. You will also introduce the branch(es) ofmathematics that are used to address issues related to your topic, and provide a brief history of the mathematiciansor other key figures that contributed to its development. Please include each of the following:1. Introduce your main topic ( Heath/Healthcare). Why is this topic important? What are some key current issues (social, political, environmental,technological etc.) related to your topic today? Why is it important to understand and address those issues?2. Introduce and briefly describe the branch (or branches) of mathematics that may be used to address keyissues related to your topic. This is merely a general introduction; you will discuss the mathematics formallyin Part 2: Summary of Mathematics below.3. Name at least 2 key figures that contributed to the development of the branch(es) of mathematicsdescribed above. Who were they? When did their research take place? How did their work contribute tothe development of this type of mathematics?Part 2: Summary of Mathematics with Examples (approximately 2-3 pages)Here you will discuss the formal mathematics that are used to address issues related to your topic. (Note: You willapply the math that you present in Part 2 to your application examples in Part 3 so you may want to review Part 3before completing this section). For any topic that you choose, there will be many different areas of mathematicsthat can be applied. Select one, or a few that you think are the most relevant, interesting, and applicable to yourtopic and include the following:1. Choose and describe at least one branch of mathematics (you may have more than one) that is used toaddress issues related to your topic. Explain the formal mathematics by:a. Presenting and describing relevant symbols, notation, and terminologyb. Presenting and describing key formulasc. Presenting and describing important theories or theorems2. Provide an example that illustrates the mathematics described above being applied to a situationrelated to your topic (PLO 4), and solve the problem by:a. Describing the problem and the steps of the solution in wordsb. Presenting the mathematical steps of the solution using formal mathematical symbols,notation, and formulas, and provide and interpret the final answer (PLO 3)Note: You may choose an example from the problem sets in your textbook as long as you appropriatelycite this example in your references. See the section Tips To Get Started below to see some suggestedsections from your textbookPart 3: Real World Applications (approximately 3-4 pages)Here you will describe how the mathematics you presented in Part 2 is applied in the real world. You do not need touse the mathematics to solve any particular problem; rather, explain how the mathematics is (or could be) used toexplain, address, or solve problems related to your topic, directly or indirectly, as described below. Include each ofthe following:1. Provide at least one real-world example of a specific work or community scenario related to your topicwhere the mathematics you presented in Part 2 could be applied. (PLO 4) Describe the scenario and explainhow the math would address it. What is the purpose and benefit of using math to address thisscenario? Does it increase efficiency? Does it help with accuracy? What problems might we encounter if weneglected to use math to help address this scenario?2. Provide at least one real-world example where accurate calculations and symbolic operations (using themathematics you presented in Part 2) are, or could be used to interpret and/or explain a social and/oreconomic trend related to your topic. (PLO 3) This example should be something different from yourexample in #1 above. Describe the social or economic trend and explain how the math you presented inPart 2 helps to interpret or explain it. (Examples of social or economic trends might be things like incomeinequality, gerrymandering, equal housing, public healthcare, equal access to quality education, and so on.)3. Describe and discuss how this topic and the mathematics you have presented are relevant to your own life,directly and/or indirectly.Formatting RequirementsYour paper should be a Word document, with embedded charts, graphs, figures, formulas and tables. It should beAPA or MLA Format, with name and page number on each page, and should include each of the following:1. Title page: You should have a cover page. The cover page should have a specific title of your paper (Note:“MATU 103 Paper” does not clearly define the topic you are presenting), your name, Brandman University,MATU 103, term, and year. You might find it helpful to include an image of something representative of yourtopic to provide a visual context for your report.2. Write Up/Body: The body should be 6 – 8 pages. Please use a “page break” to separate the cover from thebody and the references from the body.3. References: Please include all articles, books, websites, publications, or other information that youutilized to obtain the information in your paper. The references come after the main body. At least threereferences are required, not including the textbook.4. Appendix (optional): Include an appendix after your references to include any charts, graphs,calculations, or other information that supports your paper, but which is not necessary to include in themain body.Academic IntegrityThe University expects that students will conduct themselves in an honest and ethical manner and respect theintellectual work of others. Your paper will be submit through TurnItIn, which is a plagiarism detection service. Yourpaper will receive a Similarity Report that represents the percentage of your paper that is similar to or copied from othersources. Any type of plagiarism, including using work without referencing, copying another paper, not citing referencesin the body of the paper, using a paper from another course, etc., will be met with penalties determined by theinstructor, including the possibility of failing the course, and having an Academic Integrity Violation Sanction Reportsubmitted to University administration. Note: You may not use a paper you wrote from a prior course, even if it is thesame class you are taking now, without prior permission from your individual instructor. If you have further questionsabout academic integrity, please contact your instructor and/or see the catalog.Tips To Get StartedBefore selecting your topic, do a little research first! Read the sections of your textbook noted below, and do some internet searching to make sure you feel prepared to present a paper where you provide each of the following: a) an explanation of the formal mathematics with appropriate symbols, formulas, and examples, b) examples of how this branch of mathematics could be applied to a work or community issue, and c) an explanation of how this branch of mathematics can be used to interpret social or economic trends.Below is a list of the main topics you may choose from, as well as some suggested readings and related discussion points from your textbook. You may choose any one of the Topics below for your project. If you want to write on a topic not shown here, you must obtain prior permission from your individual instructor. Your instructor is not required to approve alternative topics and will only do so if he or she is certain that there is sufficient research and information available to adequately complete this assignment.Health and Healthcarefor this topic, you might discuss…• Chapter 4, Graph Theory (for example: spread of disease)• Chapter 7, Modeling (for example: spread of disease)• Chapters 12-14, Probability and Statistics (for example: genetics, likelihood that a drug or vaccine is effective)

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