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Academic Reinstatement request letter

cademic Reinstatement Request

Abdi Warsame
 2194 Albert Ave

Columbus, OH 43224

Dear Dr. Robin Hinkle

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to respectfully request the reinstatement of my academic standing at Franklin University. I was notified of my academic dismissal on suspension on 8/22/2023 due to unsatisfactory performance during my last two semesters, and I fully understand the gravity of the situation. I want to take full responsibility and realize now that I had options that could have potentially, Prevented my poor performance for my academic performance during that time. but at that time, it felt as if it had nowhere to turn to. However, I want to assure you that I have taken significant steps to address the issues that led to my Suspension. Since my Suspension, I made my graduate advisor and Dr., Wendell for academic advice meetings, sought additional guidance, and developed a comprehensive study plan to enhance my performance. I have also gained a deeper understanding of time management and prioritization. I genuinely value the education and opportunities provided by my Franklin University mentors and I am committed to proving my dedication and ability to succeed in my studies. I understand the high academic standards of this institution, and I am determined to meet and exceed those standards moving forward in my journey and listening to my member committees. The conflict between my workload and the resignation of my dissertation was a major contributor that has led me to this point. I will also set up my strategic performance by fully following my Dissertation community guidance and time management plans.

I kindly request you to allow me to pursue my dream of receiving an opportunity to my degree from Franklin University. I promise that I will fully cooperate with all my dear committee members. and share my progress and plans for improvement. 

I believe that my passion for learning, combined with the support and resources available to my committee members at Franklin University, will enable me to thrive and contribute positively to the academic community.

Thank you for considering my reinstatement request to allow me to pursue my dream of writing a Dissertation journey in the next semester. I appreciate your time and consideration. Please feel free to advise and guide me on what corrective steps I can take with any additional information. I look forward to the possibility of returning to the Franklin University community and continuing my educational journey.


Abdi Warsame



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