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Create a PowerPoint Business Presentation

In this assignment, you will condense information from Assignment 2 to create a PowerPoint presentation. ( Female voice please) Create a seven to nine (7-9) slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you: Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an executive summary which contains a brief statement […]


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writing assignment on the criminal justice system

Write 2-3 pages on an incident you’ve been involved with, witnessed or known about that includes an incident with the criminal justice system. In regards in basic crininal justice 101 course; state the incident, what went wrong, what went right. Was there any lesson learned? Think about how your awareness of the criminal justice process […]


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week 3 Fed EX case study

FedEx case Study Please read the case study at the end of Chapter 6 entitled “FedEx’s Independent Contractors: Is the Company Really Recruiting Employees?”. Write a 2 – 3 page paper.  Include a discussion of the following: Describe why FedEx’s delivery agreement blurs the line between being an employee of the company and being an […]


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marketing environment

Now that you have evaluated the marketing environment and established some marketing goals for MM, it is time to get started with the new product plan. The first step is to research the mobile phone market. Without knowing who is buying phones in certain market segments, Michelle won’t know how to market MM’s new product. […]


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You are the Boss now

You Are the Boss Now the tables are turned – YOU are the boss and you are sending one of your team overseas to manage the new office. How do you select which employee should manage the new office? How do you approach them? What incentives are you prepared to offer? What would you hold […]


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read the article and provide your analysis about the success and failure

read the article and provide your analysis about the success and failure of strategic alliances. Examples are welcome.  Two pages. Strategic Alliance.pdf    “Looking for a Similar Assignment? Order now and Get 10% Discount! Use Code “GET10″ in your order”


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Business processes test – Completion needed

Please answer all of the questions and please be 100% correct: 1. Adam Bowling is an example of….. A.A bad employee B.A genius C.A hobo D.A coward E.A supermodel 2. Support consists of activities such as error detection, debugging, and providing updates to increase software performance.  A.True B.False 3. Technical Requirements A.These define how a […]


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I need help with a business and finance assignment

OL 215 Final Project One Milestone One Rubric.pdf   Please read the file carefully and follow all the directions. Fail to do so will result in a withdraw of the money. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to send me a message.   “Looking for a Similar Assignment? Order now and Get 10% […]


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Assignment 1: Ten Critical Steps for Risk Managers

Assignment 1: Ten Critical Steps for Risk Managers Review the “Ten Critical Steps for Risk Managers” located in Chapter 3. Then, go to the Political Risk Insurance (PRI) Center Website, located at http://www.pri-center.com/country/index.cfm , and select a country that interests you in terms of political risk. Lastly, using the ten (10) critical steps as your guideline, analyze […]


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Candidate Selection Assessment

Assessment Instructions This assessment focuses on your competencies related to candidate selection. Conduct research on the process of selecting a candidate and design a selection process for the job position you have chosen to examine. For the purposes of this assessment, suppose that the recruiting step has already occurred, and you have received fifty resumes. […]


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