3 questions in regarding a short memo.

The following scenario represents another communication situation in a workplace.  The following is a memo.  

Please read the memo.  Then answer the questions below. 

To all staff:

Subject: Meeting

Three things for the meeting that you should think about ahead of time so you can come prepared to discuss. The scheduling of the reception desk continues to be a problem, we had it not covered twice this week alone. How to reorganize the space so we can fit in the new hires that start mid-month, Alan Gee who will assist Brenda, Martin O’Neil, the new hire for the customer service desk, and the other two are Selena Baraki and Dallas Smith, welcome additions to our staff.

It was impressive to see the way everyone pitched in last week, we got so much accomplished in so short of a time, you should all be congratulated. In any event, we will talk about that at the meeting also.

Please complete the following tasks:

1. Please critique this memo in terms of its clarity, its organization, its effectiveness in delivering a message.  Write a few sentences in your response.

2. Please critique this memo in terms of its grammar and mechanics.  You don’t have to point out every error.  Point out at least one error.

3. Please re-write the memo, improving it in the areas mentioned above.  Post your improved memo to the class in your response to this thread.


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