marketing Management

Watch – Watch the video, take notes of key concepts presented in the video.

Summarize – Describe the main idea (thesis) of the video clip. Write the main idea in one to two complete paragraphs (100-200 words).

Question – After watching the video, what questions do you have that remain unanswered. Use Higher Order Thinking question starters to help you phrase the questions that reflect critical thinking skills. Once you have watched the video discuss what you learned regarding target marketing and how it relates to the company that you are tracking. 

Partial List of Question Starters:

  • Which events could not have happened?
  • If … happened, what might the ending have been?
  • How is… similar to…?
  • Can you distinguish between…?
  • What was the turning point?
  • What was the problem with…?
  • Why did… changes occur?

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