ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage 3: IT Requirements ( Information System )

ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage 3:  IT Requirements

Before you begin this assignment, be sure you:

1.Have completed all previously assigned readings, particularly those assigned in Weeks 3 and 4 of the class.

2.Re-read the “UM Haircuts Case Study” and the Stage 1 & 2 assignments, and review the “Walmart Example.”

3.Review Instructor feedback from previous assignment submissions.

Overview of IT Requirements for a System to Improve the Process at UM Haircuts

For your Case Study Stage 1 assignment, you performed a Five Forces Analysis and justified Myra’s chosen strategy for competitive advantage and the business process that she would like to improve through the application of technology.

For your Stage 2 assignment, you identified the inputs, processing, and outputs of Myra’s selected business process. Those inputs, processing, and outputs form the functional (business) requirements for an IT system to improve the process. 

In Stage 3, you will define the IT requirements by evaluating their applicability and importance in a new system to be implemented to improve the identified business process for UM Haircuts.  The requirements that are identified as relevant to the business process will form the IT (technical) requirements for a system.  In evaluating and selecting an IT system, both the functional (business) requirements and the IT requirements need to be considered.  The areas that need to be considered in developing the IT requirements are listed below in the Table of IT Requirements.  Depending on the specific process being improved and the data it uses, the areas listed will vary in both relevance and importance.  For example, in a system to handle applications for Social Security, security and privacy are extremely important; but for a system to list what movies are being shown, privacy is not applicable at all. Your analysis must relate to the process Myra seeks to improve.  

When both the functional (business) and technical (IT) requirements are identified, the system requirements are complete enough that you can then begin looking for a specific solution to meet the needs of UM Haircuts.  Researching and finding an appropriate system to improve the process at UM Haircuts will be done in Stage 4.

Analysis of IT Requirements:

·IT Requirement:  The areas to be considered are listed in the table.  Be sure to research each term to ensure understanding as to whether and how it would apply to the UM Haircuts process being improved and the data it uses.  A table of sources of the definitions of the requirements is provided below to assist you.  Be sure you use a definition that applies to IT and this assignment, and not a generic definition of the term.

·Rankings: High/Medium/Low Importance or Relevance or Not Applicable (N/A): You will rank each requirement as to how important or relevant it is to the process being improved and the data it uses.  Each will be ranked as High, Medium or Low, or Not Applicable to the process and its data.

·Explanation of Ranking:  Using the definition of the term you researched and the ranking you selected, provide an explanation and tell how this requirement applies to the UM Haircuts process and the data it uses, or why it does not apply.  All requirements must be ranked and a thorough explanation that demonstrates understanding of the topic must be provided.  Please note that even N/A items require an explanation.  A minimum of three good sentences should be used for each explanation. 

The responses that you enter into the table for each requirement must be aligned to the specific business process to be improved and the data it uses, and must be appropriate to the UM Haircuts business.  Be sure to consider the type of data (inputs and outputs – from Stage 2) that the system will handle as you determine the applicability and importance of each consideration.  If a requirement is not relevant to the process, mark it “N/A.”  Remember to provide a thorough explanation for every item under consideration, including those marked N/A.

Do not try to create a reason if there is none, but carefully analyze each requirement and determine whether it applies and how.  Explanations must provide enough information to convey the reasoning behind the ranking and to demonstrate that you understand the requirement. DO NOT copy definitions into the table; use your own words to explain the terms. 

Example:  If the process to be improved is the method for customers to use to pay for their haircuts or salon visits, then for the requirement of Usability, the following might be entered.  Note the thorough explanation of the ranking that demonstrates an understanding of usability.


High/Medium/Low Importance or Relevance or Not Applicable (N/A)

Explanation for Ranking



Since the customers will use a system to make their payments, it must be easy to understand and easy to use.  It would be inappropriate to require any training for customers.  If it is too complicated, customers will not use it. In addition, front desk staff should be able to easily learn the system without extensive training.  That is an entry level job with frequent having a system that is intuitive and easy to navigate is critical. It is ranked “Medium” because it is important for any customer who chooses to use the system to be able to do so quickly, easily and intuitively; however, it is not “High” since there are other methods of paying.

Course Resources (for Weeks 1-5)

Where to find the definitions of IT Requirements


The 7 Software “-ilities” You Need to Know (Week3)


The 7 Software “-ilities” You Need to Know (Week 3)


The 7 Software “-ilities” You Need to Know (Week 3)


The 7 Software “-ilities” You Need to Know (Week 3)


The 7 Software “-ilities” You Need to Know (Week 3)


The 7 Software “-ilities” You Need to Know (Week 3)


The 7 Software “-ilities” You Need to Know (Week 3)

Data Accuracy

DoD Guidelines on Data Quality Management, p. 3 (Week 4)

Data Completeness

DoD Guidelines on Data Quality Management, p. 3 (Week 4)


Chapter 6 (Week 4)

Enterprise Systems (ERP, CRM, SCM) 

Chapter 3 (Week 3), various Week 5 readings


Chapter 5 (Week 3) 


Chapter 4 (Week 4)

Data Warehouse

Chapter 4 (Week 4)

Data Mining

Chapter 4 (Week 4)

Business Intelligence

Chapter 4 (Week 4)

Decision Support System

Chapter 7 (Week 1)

Business-to-Business eCommerce

Various readings (Week 2)

Business-to-Consumer eCommerce

Various readings (Week 2)

Assignment: UM Haircuts Stage 3:  Create a document that includes:

I. Introduction

At the top of your paper, show the generic strategy for competitive advantage that Myra selected and the business process she has chosen to improve (see the Stage 1 assignment), using the following format:

Generic Strategy for Competitive Advantage:  xxxxxxx (just name the strategy)

Business Process to Be Improved:  xxxxxxxxx (just name the process)

II. Table of IT Requirements

·Copy the table below into your paper.

·Rank each requirement as High, Medium or Low in Importance/Relevance or Not Applicable (N/A) to a system to improve the process,

·Explain each ranking, as described in the table, including explanations for N/A.

·Definitions of the IT requirements are listed in Course Resources table above.

IT Requirement


Low, or

Not Applicable (N/A)

Explanation for Ranking

(Write a minimum of 3 good sentencesfor each; both the process to be improved and the case study should be mentioned ineach explanation; the data used in the process should be included in the explanation where applicable.)








Reliability/ Availability








Data Accuracy


Data Completeness




Enterprise Systems (ERP, CRM, SCM)






Data Warehouse


Data Mining


Business Intelligence


Decision Support System


Business-to-Business eCommerce


Business-to-Consumer eCommerce


For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, and our. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed.

·Submit one document that includes the Table of Requirements.

·Table entries should be single spaced.

·Use APA formatted citations and references for any external sources used.

·Include a title page, and a reference page if references are included.

·Compare your final work to the rubric to be sure you have met content and quality criteria. 

·Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word. 

·Your submission should include your last name first  in the filename:  Lastname_firstname_Stage _3


ISFM-300 Case Study, Stage 3 Rubric:  IT Requirements



Far Above Standards


Above Standards


Meets Standards


Below Standards

< 60%

Well Below Standards

Possible Points



Low or N/A Rankings

18-20 Points

Rankings all demonstrate a strong understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process.

16-17 Points

Most rankings demonstrate an understanding of course concepts, analysis and critical thinking; and are appropriate for the business in the case study and the process.

14-15 Points

Rankings are designated and demonstrate a basic understanding of course concepts or analysis. 

12-13 Points

Rankings are provided but selection may be lacking in demonstration of understanding of course concepts or analysis.

0-11 Points

Few, if any rankings provided or rankings are not appropriate for the process and/or the case study.


Explanations for Rankings

54-60 Points

Explanations are at least three good sentences which use course vocabulary to clearly and convincingly justify rankings; demonstrate a strong understanding of course concepts, analysis, and critical thinking; and are focused on the business in the case study and the process and its data.

48-53  Points

Explanations are at least three good sentences which use course vocabulary to clearly justify most rankings and demonstrate an understanding of course concepts, analysis, and critical thinking; and are focused on the business in the case study and the process and its data.

42-47  Points

Explanations are at least three good sentences that justify rankings and refer to the case study process and/or its data.

36-41 Points

Several explanations are less than three good sentences, and/or do not adequately justify rankings; may be lacking in demonstration ofunderstanding of course concepts, analysis, and/or critical thinking; or are not focused on the business in the case study.

0-35 Points

Few, if any explanations are provided; explanations are incomplete or not compatible with rankings; or little effort demonstrated.


Table Format

18-20 Points

Information is professionally presented, clear and easily understood; is written in third person and uses course vocabulary, correct sentence structure, grammar, and spelling. Any references used are listed and cited using APA style.

16-17 Points

Information is presented well; is clear, and uses correct sentence structure; written in third person, and has few grammar, and spelling errors.  Any references used are listed and cited using APA style.

14-15 Points

Information is presented with some grammar and/or spelling errors.  Any references used are listed and cited using APA style. 

12-13 Points

Information is not professionally presented, may not be clearly written, and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling errors, or errors in use of APA style for references/ citations.

0-11 Points

Information is extremely poorly written; has many grammar and/or spelling errors; and/or does not convey the information adequately.


TOTAL Points Possible


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