Need law help with Legal elements (3 slides PPT)
Read this rubric. Follow this Guideline and write a brief analysis of key legal elements. ONLY KEY LEGAL ANALYSIS!
Also made a 3 slides long PPT that related to your work.
Like I mentioned. Just advocate McDonald’s. 1 day time. PPT+Essay
Here is the case
Scenario: In the early 1990s, Stella Liebeck, 79, ordered a cup of coffee at McDonald’s. She accidentally spilled the coffee on her lap and suffered serious burns. She sued McDonald’s for negligence, among other things.
Liebeck v. McDonald’s Restaurants, P.T.S., Inc., No. D-202 CV 93 02419, 1995 WL 360309 [Bernalillo County, N.M. Dist. Ct. August 18, 1994).
In Module Four, you and your group will put together and submit a PowerPoint presentation (or other presentation format of your choice). This small group discussion helps prepare your group to complete the presentation.
In your small groups, and before conducting additional research on the case, determine whether your group wants to create a presentation supporting the plaintiff, Liebeck, or the defendant, McDonald’s. The presentation will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of either the plaintiff’s or the defendant’s case as to a basic negligence action only.
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