Planning is the management function that drives all other functions. It must come first in the management cycle as all other functional decisions are based on the plan. As a result, it is the most important function.

Strategic Planning is what determines the long-term goals and the course(s) of action that the firm will take to accomplish its objectives.

Because strategic planning is such an important issue it is usually reserved for the most senior management. But where do they begin? 

One of the most widely used tools is the SWOT analysis. This tool directs the manager to data and questions that can then be worked into strategic plans. 

The chart below gives a visual picture of how SWOT works.

Read the article below:


You might also want to watch the video for a lesson on how to use this tool.


Now prepare a SWOT analysis for Edison State College. I am not as concerned for the formulation of Strategic Plans than I am with the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats you discover, although some conclusion would be helpful. This analysis should contain enough ideas that so I can see you put real thought into this exercise. For those that need more guidance, I think it would take at least a page to do an adequate job on this assignment. You might also use the Rubric for insight on how I will grade you work for this exercise. You may use the chart form above or just list the items you discover in paragraph form by category. 

Remember there is a 50% penalty for being late with these assignments.


Assignment 2 Rubric

Assignment 2 Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts


Were all four aspects of the SWOT thoroughly addressed? This criteria is worth 1 to 10 points

20 pts

No Marks

0 pts

20 pts


Were additional sources used to provide a more complete understanding of the topic. This criteria is worth 1 to 15 points.

10 pts

No Marks

0 pts

10 pts

Personal benefit

Did the student relate the information in such a way as they could benefit personally from the exercise? This criteria is worth 1 to 5 points.

5 pts

No Marks

0 pts

5 pts


Was the assignment well structured and writted with correct grammar and spelling? Was APA style writing used where applicable? This ctrieria is worth 1 to 5 points.

5 pts

No Marks

0 pts

5 pts

Late Penalty

No Marks

0 pts

The syllabus requires a 50% penalty for late assignments.

-20 pts

0 pts

Total Points: 

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