Complete Accounting Competency Multiple Choice Exam
Please read all of the following information. A “mark reviewed” button appears below. After careful review of all of the following information, please click the button. After this item is marked “reviewed” (by clicking the button below) the link to your examination will appear.
- Required Browser: The test requires the use of Respondus LockDown Browser. Instructions on downloading LockDown Browser can be found here.
- Exam Time Limit: The test has a 90 minute time limit. Upon entering the exam, a timer will appear, tracking time in the exam. Please note the timer, plan accordingly and submit your completed exam BEFORE time expires. When time expires, the exam attempt will be submitted automatically.
- Question Types and Sources: Questions are multiple choice format
- Exam Configuration: Exam questions will appear all at once, on a single screen. DO NOT begin answering questions until scrolling to the bottom of the exam and confirming that all questions have loaded (as evidenced by the presence of a “Submit” button). DO NOT attempt to use your web browser’s ‘back’ or ‘forward’ buttons to leave or re-enter the exam. Doing so will result in your being removed from the exam session.
Will provide login info once tutor is chosen
You will have two attempts to get the best grade possible
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