what are the causes of financial crisis ,with particular focus on understanding and manage risk
What are the causes of financial crisis ,with particular focus on understanding and manage risk
I am looking at an exam preparation answer for this question ,the answers to this question can be found by watching the following 3 videos ” Love Of Money ” on www.veoh.com
Answer must include a short the following issues:
- Free Market Capitalism / power of Global Financial Markets
- Light Touch Regulation
- Low Interest Rates [post 9/11, rise of China]
- Complex new Derivatives [Credit Default Swaps, Securitised Loans] – traded globally, and largely unregulated
- Moral Hazard – Liars’ Mortgages, “elimination” of Risk, Rating Agencies
- U.S. Sub-prime bubble
- Weak Corporate Governance
- Failure of Banks to understand & manage Risk
- Human Nature – greed, hubris, bonus culture, herd instinct
Further details needed on the following areas by watching the documentary “ Inside Job “
-Rating agencies
– Conflict of interest ( Goldman sacs/J P Morgan / Morgan Stanley )
– Wall street has poisoned academia