Personal Debt Solutions Persuasion, business and finance homework help
Consider the social issue of personal debt(see attached)
Develop a campaign to persuade the public to adopt personal debt solutions.
Select the most appropriate media tools to persuade your intended audience(18-35 yrs of age) to accept your proposed solution. Possible tools include a political campaign, a city council proposal, an editorial article, a commercial, a radio-style podcast, a comprehensive political pamphlet, an interactive game, a website, and so forth. Focus on creativity and on solid persuasive technique.
Create a presentation to summarize your campaign. Include the following in your presentation:
- A discussion of the key characteristics of your target audience
- An explanation of the main persuasive strategies and arguments that you will employ, and why you expect these to be effective
- Consideration of possible reasons your audience might reject your ideas.
- A discussion of ways to overcome these anticipated audience objections.
Organize your work in a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation of 10 to 12 slides. (This slide count does not include bookkeeping slides: title page, notes, etc. The slide count listed above should only include content slides.) Include detailed descriptions of audio/visual, internet, or other media used in your persuasive campaign.
Format your assignment according to appropriate course level APA guidelines.
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