Interpersonal communication essay, communications homework help

Write #2-Unit 2: Family Relationships essay

Write #3 Unit 3: Romantic Relationships essay

Each must be at least one essay


Interpersonal Communication:write-up #2 and #3 ( American high school English level)

PLEASE WRITE IN MIDDLE School level like “”””””””” when I went to the Deaf school and then I learnt what Deaf world was like, which fits my life well. Today I’m still learning the deepest of Deaf culture. Being Deaf can’t be the main barrier to lead to the failure of the big life dreams that I have. My life has been affected in various ways because of my status but that doesn’t make me fail in making my own decisions on my life. Learning about the Deaf characters and culture has made me view my status in a positive manner making me think on the privileges that the society has offered to me by giving me a chance to utilize the important privileges delegated to me. Though the society has offered several positive privileges to the Deaf, some of the people focus much on empowering the underprivileged hence hindering the Deaf from making special developments in their lives.When I was in a hearing school, I often felt overwhelmed and wanted to avoid studying and never wanted to go to college. My parents tried to convince me that school was extremely important, but I did not listen to them. One day, I told my mother that I wanted to receive a better education in a deaf school, and my mother did not want me to go to a deaf school because she believed that I did not care about education for my life. A few days later, I felt so disappointed that I was forced to learn unwanted lessons. I decided to keep telling my mother my goal was to go to a deaf school and my mother finally accepted it. I started to be joyful at that news and readied for a better education. As a college student, I applied for City college of San Francisco to learn more English and general studies and then transferred to the University. I am majoring in communication and public relations and minor in digital media. I personally love working with people, I feel very happy seeing them satisfied with their present and looking forward to their future, and I love learning different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, traditions, and many things that I have never learnt before, although what i really would be glad to add to my personal experience is developing a new project, to develop a new website to make the hearing and Deaf worlds one unit so they will be able to communicate with each other to learn about their different worlds.My major is Communication and my minors are Digital Media and Family studies part of my passion is to do my research and analysis on negative things and change them in a positive way.

  • I would like to let you a little about myself. I am from California but I live in Washington DC for Gallaudet University. I am majoring in communication and minoring in public relations and family studies, I personally love working with people, I feel very happy seeing them satisfied with their present and looking forward to their future, I love learning different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, traditions, and many things that I have never learnt before. My goal to make the hearing and Deaf worlds one unit so they will be able to communicate with each other to learn about their different worlds and so that we can get more opportunities. I am wondering if I can volunteer for one week-on August 18 until 25 and then after, I will take my time to socialize with different people. It would be a great experience for me. Thank you. Hope to hear from you soon. I would like to make a new website which looks somewhat like Facebook and Couchsurfing which serves both the Deaf and Hearing people whatever race and religion they are, everybody can join the social media and make new friends all over the world which will allow the possibility of making new friends, having a familiar face to visit outside your country, have a person guide you around a new city to learn new things like Deaf and Hearing cultures, countries’ history, cultures, foods and etc.

Please make good point information between this and myself

Personal Write-ups: To assess knowledge of the material and your ability to apply course concepts, there are five personal application write-ups. Each write-up must be at least one full page, Times New Roman, 12pt font, 1 inch margins, double-spaced. Each write-up must:

– explain one concept covered in class, followed by

– an example from your own life that illustrates the concept, and

– summarize/analyze why this example fits the concept described.

Unit 2: Family Relationships

What is the difference between listening and hearing?
Hearing is a physiological process that occurs when sound waves are processed by the central nervous system
Listening is the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages.

Name and give an example of the 6 different types of listening.
Discriminatory Listening
Appreciative Listening
Comprehensive Listening
Evaluative Listening
Empathetic Listening
Problem-focused listening

Name and describe which listening style you have and why.
People Oriented Listening style
Content Oriented Listening style
Action Oriented Listening style
Time-oriented Listening style

Unit 3: Romantic Relationships

Compare/contrast online (or “facebook”) friends with off-line friends?
Online friendships develop more slowly, 1 year to pass the initial friendship stage
Offline friends show more interdependence, breadth (amount of topics) depth (degree of self disclosure) code changes ( private jokes/language) understanding (can predict a person’s attitude) commitment (whether friendship will continue) networks (whether or not family and friends know them)

Describe the different types/levels of friendship?




What secret tests do we use to assess the state of a relationship?

Indirect suggestions

Separations tests

Endurance tests

Triangle tests

Be specific.

Now that you’ve done an observation and listed behaviors that helped you identify WHY people “looked like” they were together, parent-child, etc., you should:

1- make a list of behaviors that tell you whether two people are family, friends, or romantic partners, or meeting for the first time. (that should be 4 separate lists).

2- then, using your lists, go observe again and see if you can find those behaviors in an interaction and identify which group those people belong in.

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