SLP Assignment, economics homework help
Describe the dominant characteristics of the industry in which your company operates, addressing the following questions:
Who are your main competitors?
Are they significant barriers to entry?
What is your company’s market share?
What is the market share of your main competitors?
What is the four-firm concentration ratio in your industry? Over time, has this ratio increased, decreased, or remained constant?
Is your company a military contractor? If so, how are prices determined?
Based on your previous answer, is your industry moving more in the direction of competition or is it moving more in the direction of market power?
Assignment Expectations/Requirement:
In this Assignment, you are expected to:
Describe the purpose of the paper and provide a conclusion.
Present information in a professional manner.
Answer the Assignment questions clearly and provide necessary details.
Write clearly and correctly—that is, no poor sentence structure, no spelling and grammar mistakes, and no run-on sentences.
Provide citations to support your argument and place references on a separate page. (All the sources that you listed in the references section must be cited in the paper.) Use APA format to provide citations and references with credible sources (3-5 sources) [].
Type and double-space the paper, minimum 3-4 pages.
Please use Excel, chart, or graphs to show supporting computations in an appendix, present economic information in tables, and use the data to answer follow-up questions.
Reading Required:
Links to Competition
Stengel, D. (2012). Chapter 6: Market equilibrium and the perfect competition model. Managerial Economics Principles. Flat World Education…
Optional Reading
Thomas, C.R., and Maurice, S.C., Managerial Economics, McGraw Hill (2008) Power Point Presentation available at…
Welker, J. (2012, Feb. 19). From Short-run to Long-run in Perfect Competition [Video File]. Retrieved from
Links to Monopoly
Required Reading
Beveridge, T. M. (2013). Chapter 7: Monopoly A Primer on Microeconomics. Business Expert Press, New York, NY. [SEE ATTACHED BLOW]
Optional Reading
Thomas, C.R., and Maurice, S.C., Managerial Economics, McGraw Hill (2008) Power Point Presentation available at…
Links to Oligopoly
Beveridge, T. M. (2013). Chapter 8: Between perfect competition and oligopoly. A Primer on Microeconomics. Business Expert Press, New York, NY[SEE ATTACHED BLOW]
Optional Reading
mjmfoodie. (2009, April 1). Episode 25: Market Structures [Video File]. Retrieved from
Links to Game Theory, the Prisoners Dilemma, and Strategic Decision Making
Thomas, C.R., and Maurice, S.C., Managerial Economics, McGraw Hill (2008) Power Point Presentation available at…
Links to Monopolistic Competition
mjmfoodie. (2011, July 8). Episode 29 Monopolistic Competition [Video File]. Retrieved from
Beveridge, T. M. (2013). Chapter 8: Between perfect competition and oligopoly. A Primer on Microeconomics. Business Expert Press, New York, NY. [SEE ATTACHED BLOW]
Links to Government Regulation of Monopoly
Thomas, C.R., and Maurice, S.C., Managerial Economics, McGraw Hill (2008) Power Point Presentation available at:…
Optional Reading
Consumer Protection: Government v. Market Regulation (von Mises Institute). A discussion between Peter G. Klein and Robert P. Murphy available at:
The Social Function of Profits (Von Mises Institute) available at
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