Digital Couponing assignment (1 page)

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Assignment introduction topic

Okay, please keep an open mind with this. I can see some of you, guys especially, picturing moms in grocery stores with their coupons (and wondering what in the heck I’m doing by discussing this in class). Ha! I am not an extreme coupon freak, but I do like to save money. One of the websites I look at occasionally is The founder, Jenny, blogs multiple times daily and what started out as something for her family turned into a small business and now is a pretty big business for her. She also has a weekly radio show called ‘The Frugal Home’ and the episodes are available as podcasts on In summer 2013, she had a blog post on Southern Savers about an episode on the digital couponing industry and mobile trends. That really interested me, so I listened to it and came up with plenty of reasons why it might be good to share it with you. I want you to listen to the podcast and then you’ll just type up a one page (single spaced) summary of your thoughts on the topic and what you learned.

  • Digital and mobile couponing is now a HUGE industry! You’ll get some numbers and percentages in the podcast. Even if you care nothing about couponing for yourself, it’s important for you to understand such a big trend and how all of the companies and manufacturers are linked to this industry. Are companies comfortable with the shift to these new technologies? Is fraud a problem? What about customer service in the couponing industry?
  • This new economy after the recession has created a different kind of consumer. We’re typically more conscious of spending and saving. How are companies going to meet our demands? One of the models specifically goes for a more creative, playful savings approach that should be more appealing to the Gen Y population especially.
  • Tracking data and users is a big benefit for the industry and also the consumer. Discuss this. You will have some who don’t like this practice and consider it invasion of privacy.
  • The entreprenuerial spirit is buzzing with these guests Jenny has on the show. You’ve got innovators in the mobile app industry and the whole digital couponing trend. Bet they didn’t see themselves being here a few years ago. And then there’s Jenny with a way to make money and help people…sounds pretty rewarding. Thoughts?
  • You should also write about at least one thing related to this topic from the resources included in the Canvas module or that you researched on your own. Give credit to source.
  • You don’t have to write about this, but you have Web 2.0 tools at work with blogging by Jenny at her Southern Savers website and the podcasts from the shows. Many companies have blogs to write about a variety of topics related to their business and give their audiences a more personal feel for the company. Podcasts are popular for recorded documentation and are also often used in company training programs.

There are some website can provide some information for you

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