Presenting an Idea for a New Business to Investors
To reinforce the key concepts of this course you will complete a two-part project. Read the following descriptions of your course project assignments so that you can better plan your time over the next few weeks. Having this information now will allow you to start planning for these assignments.
Presenting an Idea for a New Business to Investors
Assignment 2, you will develop a business plan presentation for a new, hypothetical business of your choice. You will imagine that you are starting a business, and you must prepare a PowerPoint presentation to explain your business idea to potential investors and/or lenders. You will create a business plan presentation that includes the following:
Business Plan Project – Part I
- Title and business name.
- Describe the form of business ownership of your business and explain the advantages and disadvantages of establishing your business in this form.
- Identify the objective(s) of the business.
- Describe your intended customers.
- Marketing plan – Specifically describe your major product(s) or service(s).
- Marketing plan-Explain how you intend to promote your product(s) or service(s)
- Marketing plan- Discuss the pricing for your major products (items) or services.
- Marketing plan – Identify your channels of distribution; how you intend to get the products or services to your customers.
- Explain the economic factors that will impact your business.
- Identify your main competitors or competition factors that may impact your business.
- List of references using APA format of sources you used to research the business plan. Include at least three resources one of which may be your textbook.
The information should be provided as a bulleted list on the slides and explanations inserted where applicable. You may use the Notes feature in Microsoft PowerPoint to add information to your presentation. Refer to the grading rubric for insight into grading criteria for this assignment
Presenting a Complete Business Plan to Investors
In Assignment 2, you will add another part to the Business Plan you created in Week 3. The second part of the business plan will be an additional 6 – 9 PowerPoint slides. Theses slides will address financial projections for your business, sources of capital, organizational structure, brief backgrounds of you and any key people involved in the business, skills needed to do the work, and an ethics and social responsibility statement. Your final submission will contain the following:
Business Plan Part I
- Title and business name.
- Describe the form of business ownership of your business and explain the advantages and disadvantages of establishing your business in this form.
- Identify the objective(s) of the business.
- Describe your intended customers.
- Marketing plan – Specifically describe your major product(s) or service(s).
- Marketing plan-Explain how you intend to promote your product(s) or service(s)
- Marketing plan- Discuss the pricing for your major products (items) or services.
- Marketing plan – Identify your channels of distribution; how you intend to get the products or services to your customers.
- Explain the economic factors that will impact your business.
- Identify your main competitors or competition factors that may impact your business.
Business Plan Part II
- Estimate of the amount of startup capital you will need, and examples of what the money will be used for
- Projected income – how much money you intend to make over the next year, month by month
- Sources of Finances – where you intend to get your startup funds
- Key Owners/Staff and brief bios to include skills and qualifications needed for the business
- Ethics and Social Responsibility Statement
List of references using APA format of sources you used to research the business plan. Include at least three resources one of which may be your textbook
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