Wk 6 – BMGT – Learning Activities
Hello Tutors,
- Please keep responses organized.
- Also make sure you APA cite the resources you are using to respond to each learning activity.
- Keep all responses with the initial activity postings to avoid confusion.
All responses must be at least 250 words
Use reading resources provided to answer questions, do not use outside sources.
Theme One: The Effects of Globalization
- It’s A “0.6%” World: Who Owns What Of The $223 Trillion In Global Wealth
- Wealth, Income, and Power
- The 147 Companies That Control Everything
- Put Your Ethics To A Global Test
- Integrity on a Global Scale
- The Effects of Globalization on Stakeholder Theory
- Business Ethics as Competitive Advantage for Companies in the Globalization Era
Subtheme: Should there be government regulation in this area and if so how much and what?
- Role of government in Regulating Business Ethics
- Compliance and Regulation: Johnson & Johnson
- Business Ethics: The Law of Rules
- Distributive Justice
Theme Two: Cultural Relativism and Morality
- Ethical Relativism
- Ethical Relativism and Business
- Theory of Ethical Relativism (Criticism of the theory of ethical relativism)
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